I would like to suggest starting a Petition aimed at Hoya in regards to sustaining Pentax in the event they decide to drop the brand. I think it is important that we become pro-active and not wait around like cattle off to the slaughter house. Believe me, I am ready to call the President of Hoya to give him my point of view which will be quite compelling to say the least. I have the "Kahuna's" to speak directly to him as I have with many CEO's in the past..Just another human when it comes down to it.
Let's get the e-mail address of Hoya, Japan and compose a letter stating how disappointed we would be if they were to discontinue the Pentax brand and how that would affect our perception of Hoya and all brands associated with them.
I doubt that they will drop the brand, but let's show our loyalty to Pentax with a strong message...Don't play with "Mother Pentax!"
I am not concerned, as it would not affect my status or jeopardize my position as a photographer, creative director or music composer.
Let's Do It!