Well, it's been very quiet around here, particularly in the Pentax part of the forum, so I'll try my best to spice it up a bit.
It's confirmed: Pentax are set to release a new DSLR on 21st May this year. It will be called the K7D. Pentax have said it won't be a replacement of the K20D, so I expect the K20D to be around still, but not too sure how long for. Most of the rumours are saying it will have better AF, lower noise, higher FPS (around 5), and possibly a APS-H sized sensor, 1.3 crop. Not too sure on the crop of the sensor, but it could be true. :skep: It is also rumoured to have video as well, with a mic input.
Cost is around to be between $1300 to $1500 Euro's, so do the relevant conversion to your local currency and work it out.
Photo's have been leaked, and there is plenty of speculation on the spec's. I've put together a list of what seems to be the most common spec's I've seen on the 'net.
So Pentaxian's, never fear! We have not been forgotten! Pentax are moving forward, with new lenses and bodies being released. Hopefully the price and spec's make it worthwhile to upgrade!