Converting PEFs to DNGs for use with CS 8.0 is usually not a big deal. In and out as it were. Converting 214 PEFs is a real pain. I would prefer to just shoot in DNG, but the in camera version is bigger than the PEFs and much bigger than the compressed version spat out by the Adobe DNG converter. Plus I heard that image quality suffers from shooting in DNG. I don't think I can be very objective about this because I have no way to process a PEF straight through ACR without converting it to a DNG in the first place.
I think what I am going to do is shoot a scene in PEF and DNG, convert the PEF to DNG and then process both to high quality TIFFs and see if I can detect a difference. How does that sound?
Here are the sizes for anyone who may be interested:
Please keep in mind that these are average sizes...
From camera:
PEF: 9.5 MB
Uncompressed DNG: 16.1 MB
Convereted using the Adobe DNG Converter:
PEF converted to compressed DNG: 8.2 MB
Uncompressed DNG converted to compressed DNG: 8.0 MB