Hi Folks..
Here are some pics I took last week with my K10D at the mission in Santa Barbara...
The lens I was using that day is my 28mm to 300mm Tamron lens..So it was not my best lens by any means...Had I used my 70 f1.8 I am sure I would have got better results...
This picture is at ISO 400..@28mm....I show this one so you may see the dark conditions..
Here is the same shot at ISO 1600 (max on a K10D) @28mm
Here is a similar shot still at 28mm but allot closer and ISO is only 1100
If you would like to check out the details, download the images and check out the properties or exif info....
I get great ISO shots with my K110D and MY100D super, but not nearly as nice as the K10D...Those extra MP make a difference... hope this helps...