Hi folks.
The more I use my ME Super, the more I love it. Its small size with a small lens makes it easy to toss into the bag and go...It is durable and does not need to to pampered like DSLR's do....Besides, as I was waling through Elysian Park yesterday on my way to Hollywood to shoot a roll, I got to thinking....This ME Super also makes a good weapon...as does the K1000's...Anyway, here are a few of yesterdays images...ME super with Tokina 28mm F/2.8 lens, loaded with Fuji ISO200 speed standard film.
Overlooking downtown Los Angeles and Dodger stadium
Cruising through the park, I came accross this old camper...Looked interesting so I shot it..
I went to the Kodak theature where the ''stars'' walk the red carpet..
Here is inside the Kodak theature..I must admit, I am surprised this shot came out..I was wide open and as slow a shutter as I could stand for hand holding...It is pretty dark in there, or should I say..''bad light''
From up top the Kodak, 5 stories high. Looking down on Hollywood Blvd
Looking up at the famous Manns Chinese theature
Looking across the street to the world famous ''El Capitan''
Looking a brand new billboard that just got put up.