Hey all,
I'm a newcomer to the forums as well as photography and I'm looking for some advice.
I purchased an XZ-1 a month ago and have been having a blast with it. I live and work on a farm so there's not shortage of subjects.
After reading a few posts though I'm interested in how beneficial post processing can be for the casual user. So far I've only been using jpeg and I'm quite happy with the results. If I can squeeze even more out of the xz-1 then I would be more than happy shooting RAW+JPEG and potentially post processing the images I want to make prints of or something along those lines.
Is the Olympus software powerful enough or will I need to cough up the $300 for LR to make it worth doing at all? Or is there a cheaper alternative out there?
Sorry this post is kind of all over the place but its late =)