About 18 months ago I upgraded from a Panasonic FZ20 point and shoot. For the most part, I was very pleased with the Panasonic, but of course, you always want better, right?
For picture quality I am very pleased with the improvement -- far less noise and a much finer grained image with the Olympus E520. But some things I am not so pleased about. Like the spot focusing -- with the Panasonic it was pinpoint accurate, so I could focus between branches and still get a sharp subject. With the Olympus E520, if anything is between the lens and the subject, it will focus on whatever is closest, every time. Very frustrating, since the birds, my favorite subjects, like to hide behind branches. So when I get a good shot with the Olympus, it looks great, but I miss a lot of shots I could have easily gotten with the Panasonic.