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  1. #26
    Join Date
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    Chicago, IL

    Re: New Olympus E-5!

    Quote Originally Posted by Greg McCary
    You should consider a m4/3rd. It is amazing with the 7-14mm. MB1, a member here takes his m4/3rd kayaking and he has posted some amazing pictures. I have read the same about the AA filter but I haven't read anything for sure. I don't like posting rumors. I think they just lead to misinformation. I have read it all in the past few weeks. But I feel the E5 is a nice upgrade and it may hold some secrets inside. I reserve comment on IQ until I see it first hand.
    Funny you mention that, I've been taking a hard look at m4/3 this past week. In fact, I tried to start a thread in the EVIL forum for advice...but it seems pretty dead in there, lol.

    As far as the 7-14, you're talking about the Panny 7-14?

  2. #27
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
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    Re: New Olympus E-5!

    Quote Originally Posted by albot976
    Funny you mention that, I've been taking a hard look at m4/3 this past week. In fact, I tried to start a thread in the EVIL forum for advice...but it seems pretty dead in there, lol.

    As far as the 7-14, you're talking about the Panny 7-14?
    Yes the Panny but you can get an adapter that would fit the Oly one on it but figureing the cost of the adapter in the mix you would be better going with the Panny. There is also the 9-18mm as well.
    Maybe we will see a weather sealed m4/3rd somewhere down the line and some more rugged lenses. Faster too. I read your post in the EVIL forum, I just don't know enough about the EP-2 to comment. I have the EP-1 and it is a joy to own. I wish now I had gotten the EPL-1 so I could get an EVF but I have gotten very good a hip shooting in the streets. The image quality is very good on my EP-1. I use the 17mm lens and it focuses fast.
    The only real problem I have with my EP-1 is accidentally hitting the setting buttons on the back. The m4/3rd cameras are almost to small.
    I am like Barney Fife, I have a gun but Andy makes me keep the bullet in my pocket..

    Sony a99/a7R

  3. #28
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    Re: New Olympus E-5!

    A weather sealed, rugged m4/3 with pro grade weather sealed lenses will be my next upgrade, should it ever exist. Until it does, I don't see a huge need to upgrade an E3 with pro grade lenses.
    Erik Williams

    Olympus E3, E510
    12-60 SWD, 50-200 SWD, 50 f/2 macro, EX25, FL36's and an FL50r.

  4. #29
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
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    Re: New Olympus E-5!

    I have read that the overall IQ of the E5 will be a couple of stops better than the E3. If so I think it would be a nice upgrade. I remember going from my 510 to the E3 and it was the same. I think Olympus uses the consumer based cameras as a testing ground of sorts for new things, IS, Art filters, Live view, u4/3rd ect and if it catches on they incorperate those things into a pro body with a little better IQ. Not a bad concept if true.
    But I get very good results shooting at 800iso right now. I wouldn't make a huge print from 800iso but have made some really nice 8x12's. So if I can do the same at 3200iso I think then yes it would be worth an upgrade at some point.
    Yes a pro body u4/3rd with tougher lenses would be great. Add VF, some fast tough glass and I may retire my M6.
    I am like Barney Fife, I have a gun but Andy makes me keep the bullet in my pocket..

    Sony a99/a7R

  5. #30
    banished Asmarlak's Avatar
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    Re: New Olympus E-5!

    I think the noise performance in all ISOs is in par with the best in class. You can judge for yourself, there are image samples from the E-5 posted on some websites. Here are the links:





  6. #31
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    Re: New Olympus E-5!

    to be al fair, looking at E-5 and then looking at the Panasonic GH2, GH2 looks like a better choice, i am still waiting for RAW images of E-5 but might end up with GH2 as it seems more of a advancement in 4/3 realm.

    E-5 is impressive with the IQ for now, the ISO 3200 looks really promising but i will wait until some people get their hands on it and post images. GH2 and E-5 are promising but GH2 is more than E-5.

    After all i will need to sell the idea to my wife first which can take time.
    Olympus E-5
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    Olympus Zuiko Digital Ed 50-200mm F2.8-3.5
    Olympus Zuiko Digital Ed 12-60mm F2.8/4.0 Swd
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  7. #32
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    Re: New Olympus E-5!

    The GH2 has some nice specifications, but wouldn't say it is better than the E-5. Depends what you need- the E-5 is much more rugged and a better choice if you are in bad weather or get the camera banged around. The Olympus HG+ lenses are weathersealed and are faster than the G lenses (though more expensive). If video is of primary importance, the GH2 looks alot better.

    Would really have to see more examples of the GH2 image quality- the E-5 looks quite good so far.

    - Joe

  8. #33
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
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    Re: New Olympus E-5!

    Quote Originally Posted by joeru
    The GH2 has some nice specifications, but wouldn't say it is better than the E-5. Depends what you need- the E-5 is much more rugged and a better choice if you are in bad weather or get the camera banged around. The Olympus HG+ lenses are weathersealed and are faster than the G lenses (though more expensive). If video is of primary importance, the GH2 looks alot better.

    Would really have to see more examples of the GH2 image quality- the E-5 looks quite good so far.

    - Joe
    Check Flickr
    I am like Barney Fife, I have a gun but Andy makes me keep the bullet in my pocket..

    Sony a99/a7R

  9. #34
    ELS is offline
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    Lightbulb Re: New Olympus E-5!

    Quote Originally Posted by Greg McCary View Post
    No kidding this site, and a couple more, is about the only way I get any info on cameras.

    It is just to far to drive to go to Atlanta when I want to window shop. Places like Wal-mart and Staples only carry Canon's.

    Thanks for posting the video.
    Hi Greg:

    I know this thread (post) is nearly three (3) years old, but, it is STILL (for me) relevant.

    My closest town (city), for camera - window shopping - would be Rochester, NY, about 65 miles (one-way) drive, like your travel time/distance.

    Therefore, as you stated in your post Greg - this site for me (and others too), are vital to me reading the reviews, getting to hear the reports - user's comments (both good and/or bad), to help me sort through the camera and lenses (and flash) selections being offered in today's marketplace.

    I really ENJOY this site, and hope that this year - 2013 - everyone will "jump start" a new, revived boost here in threads/posts/coments/reviews, etc...

    Looking forward to many more NEW cool things here...

    Thanks for reading,

    Have a nice day....


  10. #35
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Re: New Olympus E-5!

    Quote Originally Posted by ELS View Post
    I really ENJOY this site, and hope that this year - 2013 - everyone will "jump start" a new, revived boost here in threads/posts/coments/reviews, etc...
    Yayyyy - me, too

    I'm putting more and more time into writing news articles and that leaves me a lot less time for posting on the forums. That being the case, it's sort of up to you guys to pump up the forums if you want them to have lots of action.

    Your reviews are the foundation of this site - Write A Review!

  11. #36
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
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    Re: New Olympus E-5!

    Thanks Ed. I will work on getting things hopping again. It may be time to hit the road with the E5 and see those beautiful Oly colors again.
    Being full frame it makes it hard to shoot wildlife due to the cost of big zooms. I can outfit the E5 with a nice zoom much cheaper due to the crop factor. I'll work on some things.
    I am like Barney Fife, I have a gun but Andy makes me keep the bullet in my pocket..

    Sony a99/a7R

  12. #37
    ELS is offline
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    Re: New Olympus E-5!

    Quote Originally Posted by Greg McCary View Post
    Thanks Ed. I will work on getting things hopping again. It may be time to hit the road with the E5 and see those beautiful Oly colors again.
    Being full frame it makes it hard to shoot wildlife due to the cost of big zooms. I can outfit the E5 with a nice zoom much cheaper due to the crop factor. I'll work on some things.
    Hello Greg:

    Really looking forward to the photos, and tips, etc...

    Thanks again...

    Have a nice day,


  13. #38
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    Re: New Olympus E-5!

    Enjoy your new camera

  14. #39
    Join Date
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    Re: New Olympus E-5!

    That's interesting. I hadn't heard that

  15. #40
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    Re: New Olympus E-5!

    That's interesting. I hadn't heard that///

  16. #41
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    Re: New Olympus E-5!


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