i have given up on the hope for a new E-3 replacement
I just bought a 5d
Olympus E-5
Olympus Zuiko Digital Ed 14-35mm F2.0 Swd
Olympus Zuiko Digital Ed 50-200mm F2.8-3.5
Olympus Zuiko Digital Ed 12-60mm F2.8/4.0 Swd
Olympus Zuiko Digital Ed 7-14mm F4.0
Sigma 30mm F1.4
Olympus FL-50R Flash
Re: i have given up on the hope for a new E-3 replacement
given up hope, but you've gone to the promise land! i love canon, just because (i've only used their film cameras and well my g10), but i have an olympus e620 that i also love and adore. enjoy your camera. if i ever give up hope, i will go canon, but not to the promise land. i'll just walk along the gated community and look in ocassionally.
Happily photographing within my camera's limitations.Website
Re: i have given up on the hope for a new E-3 replacement
What is the 5d doing that the E3 isn't? I am sure another Ex camera will be out soon. I am looking for one this fall. But even at that unless my E3 quits I have no reason to upgrade.
I am like Barney Fife, I have a gun but Andy makes me keep the bullet in my pocket..
Re: i have given up on the hope for a new E-3 replacement
Originally Posted by Greg McCary
What is the 5d doing that the E3 isn't? I am sure another Ex camera will be out soon. I am looking for one this fall. But even at that unless my E3 quits I have no reason to upgrade.
I have to agree with Greg, there is a lot of talk that a brand new pro Olympus camera will come out very soon. The only reason we don't hear much of it is because Olympus is very quiet about these things.
Re: i have given up on the hope for a new E-3 replacement
Well lemme just give u some reasons why i ended up getting a 5d.
on a side note, I miss my E-3.
the only reason i ended up with the 5d was due to noise issues. I have tried my best to take pictures in low light situations but have always been short of getting something that i think was acceptable and it worked for a while (software touch ups and stuff) but recently i had more problems with it.
I was hoping that olympus will come up with a new body where they will have better noise handling but i waited till june and no news. Not even rumors.
So i ended up with the 5d. I know it might not be a great reason for a few but i have been taking alot of pictures indoors and sometimes without flash and the four third sensor sometimes doesn't cut it. I might just get a EPL-1 as a carry around camera now but 5d will be my main
Although i do miss my E-3.
Olympus E-5
Olympus Zuiko Digital Ed 14-35mm F2.0 Swd
Olympus Zuiko Digital Ed 50-200mm F2.8-3.5
Olympus Zuiko Digital Ed 12-60mm F2.8/4.0 Swd
Olympus Zuiko Digital Ed 7-14mm F4.0
Sigma 30mm F1.4
Olympus FL-50R Flash
Re: i have given up on the hope for a new E-3 replacement
Yes I agree the 5D will have much less noise. But I still hold out hope for a new pro body sometime late this year or early next. But with that said I can live with a little noise at the price difference.
I am like Barney Fife, I have a gun but Andy makes me keep the bullet in my pocket..
Re: i have given up on the hope for a new E-3 replacement
I am still olympus at heart , even though i bought the 5D MK II.
every morning I check dpreview.com and this forum hoping to see a headline
Olympus finally unveils E-3 replacement and knowing my luck, olympus might just unveil is anytime now as i have moved off olympus
5D MKII has alot of things that i wanna try, one of them is video and not just any video but professional quality video. It is a total different ball game and i know Cameras are meant to be for photo and not video, but I cant help it.
I will post some samples soon
I still think that down the road my paths will cross with olympus Pro Body but not E-3 (although i think it is a great camera and still competitive after soo many years)
Olympus E-5
Olympus Zuiko Digital Ed 14-35mm F2.0 Swd
Olympus Zuiko Digital Ed 50-200mm F2.8-3.5
Olympus Zuiko Digital Ed 12-60mm F2.8/4.0 Swd
Olympus Zuiko Digital Ed 7-14mm F4.0
Sigma 30mm F1.4
Olympus FL-50R Flash
Re: i have given up on the hope for a new E-3 replacement
Originally Posted by rubeel
i know Cameras are meant to be for photo and not video
Not anymore
I expect the next DSLR from Olympus - pro or not - will have video. I never was interested in video but now I'm shooting video all the time. Part of the reason I coughed up for the EOS 7D as soon as it was available is I wanted video. And for what it's worth, the Olympus E-PL1 is currently my favorite camera for shooting video.
Re: i have given up on the hope for a new E-3 replacement
Don't get me wrong I would love to go full frame at some point but I would lean more towards an M9 but I would have to sell the farm to get one. But someday I hope the that noise just isn't an issue at all with Olympus cameras.
I am like Barney Fife, I have a gun but Andy makes me keep the bullet in my pocket..
Re: i have given up on the hope for a new E-3 replacement
You see, what Olympus has already learned from their current cameras, they can produce the E-5 or E-X to be a great improvement from E-3 in noise area. But the lack of action is more hurting than anything. Four third rumors said that the new Pro will be like the ricoh modular design (dont know how well that can be)
I think olympus can produce a new Pro Body with two 4/3rd sensors together hence making a a FULL FRAME
Olympus E-5
Olympus Zuiko Digital Ed 14-35mm F2.0 Swd
Olympus Zuiko Digital Ed 50-200mm F2.8-3.5
Olympus Zuiko Digital Ed 12-60mm F2.8/4.0 Swd
Olympus Zuiko Digital Ed 7-14mm F4.0
Sigma 30mm F1.4
Olympus FL-50R Flash
Re: i have given up on the hope for a new E-3 replacement
Theres plenty of rumors!
Anyway, I am eagerly awaiting the new Olympus camera, but if it doesnt deliver what I want, Ill also move into another make. I almost made the jump to a Nikon D700 but concluded it would be too expensive to do so without enough justification.
I just WISH there was a lens like the 12-60 for Nikon full frame. They have the 24-120 but reviews are disappointing. Id have to get the 24-70 which is not only hugely expensive, it also lacks VR and has a much narrower zoom than what im used to.