I am having a bit of a panic attack at the moment.
I am shooting at the Toronto Indy this weekend and as I was packing my gear and getting everything ready my 4 year old decided to try and help daddy. In the process he dropped my 14-42mm lens and the front element got severely scratched when the UV filter broke on the front of it and glass on glass scraping ensued. This has left me with only zoom lenses for the weekend and without my only wide angle lens. I have priced out a new one but none of the local camera shops have or can get the lens in stock and even if they could I cannot afford to replace it before the races.
Is there any kind hearted soul out there who would considering lending/renting me their wide angle lens for a few days (I would return ship it the Monday following the race weekend which would be one week from today) I will even pay shipping both ways so that it is of no cost to you if you can help me out.
I know this is a bizzare request but I figured if the only answers were no I am still in the same situation as I am now so there's no harm in asking.
Please if anyone can help me out send me a PM and we can work out the details.
Thanks in advance and thanks for taking the time to read all of this rambling message.