Hi there chaps! Took me 3 posts to identify a quality forum and gang so I joined up!
The funny thing is that I could not find a Welcome Section or some Introduction area for the new people signing up just like my self...(may be I need more coffee and did not see it LOL) so I`ll do it here...
I`m a Mexican young architect that lives up north the country and always been interested in photography (my dad`s heritage).
Almost a year ago I went from point and shoots to DSLR I bought the best my money could afford at the time. I wanted something light easy to travel with ( I remember my dad complaining about multiple heavy lenses LOL) and I bought an Oly E-420 with the 14-42 lens. Then I realized that I`m doing a big mistake...I handle this as my previous camera...always on AUTO or one of the presets....I assume I`m not getting all the juice from the camera. TBH I know squat about photography...hopefully in here some will take me under your wing and show me a couple of tricks and hints.
Any way I`ll be around trying to suck knowledge as a sponge and hopefully end up with a bunch of new friends around.:thumbsup: