Hey guys, this is my first post here and planning to buy my first DSLR an E-520. I currently use an old OM-2 35mm and think its time to step up due to the fact that the pictures i usually take end up blurry being limited to a 1/1000th shutter speed and using 400 speed film. My real question is how does the E-520 handle good light action shots? They'd be of skimboarding/surfing/bodbyboarding at the beach so lighting would usually be pretty good. I plan on buying a OM to 4/3 adapter as well as a Pentax K series adapter. Manual focus is not an issue since its what I've been doing anyway. Here's some examples of photo's that I'd normally take, and thanks for reading this essay haha :aureola:
was taken using a point and shoot Canon.
These two are taken using the OM-2 and you can see the issue haha
These are just my usual shots, and I end up having better results with the Canon point and shoot then OM-2, Needless to say I want to step up beyond both of them for being able to get closer to the person with larger lenses that I have from the OM
Thanks guys :thumbsup: