It comes up from time to time here in the Olympus forums. Can I use OM lenses on a 4/3rd mount? Well after some horse trading I got my hands on a OM 50mm an a adaptor. The lens was hung up in customs in Canada for 6 weeks. But it came in yesterday and I must say it works great. If you don't mind shooting in manual then it is a cheap way to shoot a prime. Just playing around with it some tonight I am really impressed. The IS worked flawlessly. The first pictures did come out slightly over sharpened and I did turn that down -2. I shot the picture of the Leica at 400ISO F/4 @ 1/13th a sec. I shot a narrow DOF on purpose to see just how it looked. I couldn't resist showing off one of my toys.LOL
I have seen the adaptors on E-bay for $25.00.
I'll try and post some more test stots as time permits and post them here.