I haven't really mentioned anything, just because I didn't want to jinx it, but yesterday was officially my last day of training on Indiana Jones Adventure.It was a five day thing all on Indiana Jones Adventure. I learned everysingle position on that ride which include: Boathouse, Greeter, Validater, Marquie, Temple Entrance, Rotunda, Film 1 and Film 2, Unload, North and South Group, North and South Load and North and South Advance, Belts, and finally Tower. It's quite a bit and a few of the positions there is a lot that needs to be taught but it's basic type stuff. I scariest part though, for me, was learning Tower. Only because we have to watch all 15 cameras that are in the ride, make sure nobody is messing around and then we have this huge control panel with more bottons then you know what to do with and they flash, make noises, ect, ect. It's a little overwhelming but at the same time it's kind of a kick back area too since we don't have to deal with guests up there. Anyhoo, yesterday my trainer threw me in everything spot by myself and told me, "You know what to do. I'll see you later." and she would just go walk off and then come back and get me when we moved to another location. After five hours of that, I had my P.A. which is a Performance Assesment Test, where another trainer goes out with you, starts asking you questions about all the areas, and watches you do them all to make sure you were properly trained. I was super nervous about Tower, but I made it through tower without a problem and ended up passing and got signed off last night! Today is going to be my first "normal" day at Indy. I am so excited. Finally!