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  1. #1
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Wii Fit, and my new diet

    I purchased a Wii Fit the other day, and was pleasantly surprised by an engaging workout program, the visual challenge of it was engaging and made exercise a lot more fun. As a man used to free weight training exercises, I was impressed by their strength training exercises. Though I could pass every strength training program with flying colors, I do absolutely awful on most of the balance and aerobic exercises . I also am about 1 pound shy of being 'underweight', so I am going on a new diet. From now on I am going to stuff myself at every meal and not avoid the sweets ;). No but seriously adding more protein enriched foods to my diet and complimenting them with some good carbs (avoiding white flour). Not much information out there on how to diet to *gain* weight . I am the lightest I have been since I was about 16-17 (24 now), so I have to gain that 15 lb back!

    Anyway, has anybody else here tried Wii Fit? Has it helped motivate you? Has your posture and center balance improved from its use?

  2. #2
    Princess of the OT adina's Avatar
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    Feb 2002
    rockin' it in the D

    Re: Wii Fit, and my new diet

    Love it!

    We started out great, because we were all home over the holidays, but once we got back to "real life" fell off the wagon a little.

    Posture is better, balance a bit too...I like the yoga, usually do it before bed, and it stretches me out and relaxes me at the end of the day.
    I sleep, but I don't rest.

  3. #3
    Senior Member dbutler's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Beijing, China

    Re: Wii Fit, and my new diet

    Quote Originally Posted by Anbesol
    I also am about 1 pound shy of being 'underweight', so I am going on a new diet. From now on I am going to stuff myself at every meal and not avoid the sweets ;). No but seriously adding more protein enriched foods to my diet and complimenting them with some good carbs (avoiding white flour). Not much information out there on how to diet to *gain* weight . I am the lightest I have been since I was about 16-17 (24 now), so I have to gain that 15 lb back!
    Quit bragging!

    We love ours as well. yoga is my fave too. Im not so good with the balance onces either. And I completely suck at the soccer and slalom exercises.

    I just got the fitness coach DVD. Dont need the wii fit board for that one, but I do enjoy it. Mostly aerobic in nature though. But given that I have about 20-25 to lose, its what I need I guess,

    I'm leaving my husband for my D3X! I'm in love!!!

    Please, feel free to edit the images I submit for critique. I'm a visual kind of gal!

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