Off-Topic Forum

Anything that's not related to photography, except religion and politics*. Discuss Britney Spears, your Kiss records, swing dancing, salsa recipes. The Off-Topic forum is moderated by walterick and adina.
*Religious and political threads will be deleted
Results 1 to 2 of 2
  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2020

    Where can I find money for a new lens for my camera?

    Where can I find money for a new lens for my camera?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Where can I find money for a new lens for my camera?

    Most likely, you don't have the savings to buy new camera accessories. This isn't a reason to be upset, because I know a way how you can get extra money. Yes, you will need to get a refund, but this amount will be split into multiple payments. I can advise youto use payday loans 24/7 service, because they are really faster than any bank can to give you money and they are very loyal to their clients who have bad credit history. This is really something that can help you when you are in urgent need of money.

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