Saturday we went out (movie marathon, hence the reviews) which was nice. Putzed around all day, then had a sitter in the evening.
Sunday we spent the day at my Grandma's. My little bro is home from California for the week, and we all went over to celebrate his birthday.
Monday, and this is the best one, my oldest learned to ride her bike with no training wheels. Saturday during the day, the worked on it with her dad, they practiced balancing and holding the handles straight, and Monday she asked if I would help her, so we went out, and within about a half hour, she was up and down the block on her own. No photos, as we did video. She is soo thrilled. She's been saying for a month now, that her goal for the summer is to learn to ride her two wheeler with no training wheels. (her exact words, she has goals) That she got it in a weekend, before summer even started, is so thrilling to her. So then we went out to celebrate.