What games you guys playin'?
We've had this discussion a few times on this site, and I figure this looks like the perfect place to bring it up again...
What video games do any of you play? What platform do you prefer? And what new games as well as older classics have you been wasting huge amounts of time on lately when you should be working on more productive things??? :D
I just started playing Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (pc version), the latest in the series. Like many of my favorite games (Thief comes to mind), it is mostly a stealth gameplay, with the emphasis on being almost invisible, and usually avoiding or knocking out the enemy instead of killing them.
On the other hand, I did just finish the somewhat underrated, yet tremendously fun game Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay , which features not only cool stealth, but lots of melee and firefighting with guards, inmates, and creatures. You might say something for the whole family... ;)
BTW, a sister site to pr .com is http://forums.videogamereview.com/. You should check it out if you haven't already. Oh, and BTW2, its forums are moderated by our own super-duper Mod Lara, so you know it's a fun (and fair) place to hang out.
So, whada you guys playing???
Re: What games you guys playin'?
Xbox - Dai Senryaku VII - My favorite right now
GBA SP - Final Fantasy Tactics
N-Gage - Pathway to Glory
PC - Half-Life 2
Mac - Unreal Tournament 2004 and Ghost Recon
Holding off on the PSP till it gets some decent strategy titles under its belt. Considering getting a PS2 because it already has good strategy title under its belt. Then again, I've been considering the PS2 since it came out...
Jeez, you're a game playin' BEAST!...
And I thought I was bad... :eek:
I've got HL2 in the bullpen. Not sure when I'm going to get around to it.
BTW, how's your little project coming along? I'm purposely being vague out of respect for your intellectual property, heh heh. If you don't want to talk about it here email me...
Re: Jeez, you're a game playin' BEAST!...
My Red Army just vanquished my friend's Wehrmacht in Axis & Allies Europe...Of course, we were playing it on a real board...none of this sissy computer simulation crap....hehe.
Re: Jeez, you're a game playin' BEAST!...
Hmm. I'm kind of a sports junkie so lets see what I'm playing on each system.
Xbox - NHL 2005, FIFA 2005, Call of Duty: Finest Hour, Tony Hawk Underground 2.
PC - Solitare (a classic:D), Vice City, NHL 2005 modded out beyond belief:)
Re: Jeez, you're a game playin' BEAST!...
Just finished MYST Revelations, PC. Beautiful graphics, covoluted puzzles!!
Re: What games you guys playin'?
I guess I will always be that comicbook reading nerd from 4th grade....
PS2 (the only real system out there) Spiderman 2, Metalgear Solid (a PSx classic), and Metalgear Solid II.
On the PC I am playing CALL of DUTY.
Re: What games you guys playin'?
I waste my time on computer games I find on the internet. I got hooked on Bejeweled on my cellphone while I was in Vail, then came home and found it on the internet. (still like the phone version better tho.)
And I also waste a lot of time right before bed playing this totally relaxing, hypnotic game: NET
Re: What games you guys playin'?
Originally Posted by kellybean
I waste my time on computer games I find on the internet. I got hooked on Bejeweled on my cellphone while I was in Vail, then came home and found it on the internet. (still like the phone version better tho.)
And I also waste a lot of time right before bed playing this totally relaxing, hypnotic game: NET
Ooooooookaaaaaayyyyyyy.......That should be illegal.
Re: What games you guys playin'?
It's PC all the way for me (just cause i prefer pc graphics) and so my favs of the moment are: Half life 2, farcry, Rome: total war and i've heard that brothers in arms was meant to be amazing. and on the net, well it's got to be Counter strike Source
You call that game relaxing?!?
I was pulling my hair out after five minutes. I think I'd rather play Mine Sweeper with live ammo... :D
Seriously, I can see how you'd get hooked on it. It's actully a good fit for me as I tend to really like spacial and analytical puzzles and games.
As for "simple", relaxing games, I'm a MS FreeCell freak. To me, it's chess with cards. I probably play close to a few dozen games a day during my bits of down time at my pc. Keeps me sharp... ;)
Re: You call that game relaxing?!?
Originally Posted by Asylum Steve
I was pulling my hair out after five minutes. I think I'd rather play Mine Sweeper with live ammo... :D
Seriously, I can see how you'd get hooked on it. It's actully a good fit for me as I tend to really like spacial and analytical puzzles and games.
As for "simple", relaxing games, I'm a MS FreeCell freak. To me, it's chess with cards. I probably play close to a few dozen games a day during my bits of down time at my pc. Keeps me sharp... ;)
aw, c'mon guys. Play that game a few dozen times and you'll catch on to how easy it is. There are certain boxes that can only go one certain way ... well, as long as you keep "wrap edges" off! I wouldn't have any hair left at all if I let it wrap the edges. :)
hmmmm... I should play a little 3x3 cell game with "wrapping" on, now that you mention it ...
Re: You call that game relaxing?!?
Re: You call that game relaxing?!?
Originally Posted by kellybean
aw, c'mon guys. Play that game a few dozen times and you'll catch on to how easy it is. There are certain boxes that can only go one certain way ... well, as long as you keep "wrap edges" off! I wouldn't have any hair left at all if I let it wrap the edges. :)
hmmmm... I should play a little 3x3 cell game with "wrapping" on, now that you mention it ...
That game is simply maddening. I have played it 3 times now and I am ready to kill myself!
Maybe not, and yet...
Originally Posted by Lara
I really like playing this one. Reminds me of those old picture puzzles made up of a bunch of sliding pieces that are out of position and you have to move them in a similar way to this game to make the picture look right. Again, abstract spacial problem...
BTW, for a while there (in my youth, heh heh) I could "fix" a totally mixed-up Rubik's Cube in about a minute.
It's really just a question of recognizing visual patterns, then memorizing a sequence of moves to line the colors up one section at a time. Learning it the first time was a b*tch, but after that it was just muscle memory...
I used to go into a Spencer's and stand by a display of them, solving them all one by one.
Needless to say, I got some strange looks from folks. But of, course, I'm used to that... ;)
Re: Maybe not, and yet...
Counter Strike Source <what I play the most
Battlefield Vietnam
Battlefield 1942/Desert Combat
Unreal Tournament 2004 (mostly for LANNING)
Single Player:
Coming Soon, I will be playing:
Battlefield 2.
If ya ever wanna join me, my xfire identity is gocmryuck
In games I am [J5]Mr Yuck.
Re: Maybe not, and yet...
Heh, Steve you show off :D I think I solved the Rubik's once. I threw the darn thing across the room MANY times. Patient, I'm not!
The Gridlock puzzle does get more difficult as you progress, but not close to as hard as Kelly's favorite. :)
Re: What games you guys playin'?
Does that make me lame, or old school? :)
Re: What games you guys playin'?
old school :p But nuttin wrong with that!
Here's one more... http://www.pimpernel.com/sokoban/sokoban.html
Re: What games you guys playin'?
OK, I give up !!
How do I connect through the edge, without a wire?
What's the difference between the squares and circles?
Re: What games you guys playin'?
are you talking about my game?
There is no difference (that I know of) between squares and circles, except cosmetic I guess.
And if you're running the game using "wrapping", then you can go through the edge (but not through a border) only if there's another wire on the "opposite" side to connect to.
If you run the game on "normal" setting, then you don't want to go through the edge. You'll want all wires to connect inside the grid, with no wires touching the edge at all.
Start with a 3x3 grid, it's easier to learn the rules that way.
Re: What games you guys playin'?
Originally Posted by another view
Does that make me lame, or old school? :)
Definately old school. The best part is when you start trying for streaks of wins. Maddening and satisfying all at once. Tetris too, or at least I used to.
Re: What games you guys playin'?
Oh sure, NOW we can talk about games?!
I played HL2 everyday in a row until I beat it. Recently I bought some XBox games and have been playing Halo2, Tiger Woods Gold, and a couple others.
I even have Dance Dance Revolution and play tha crap with the big dance pad and all :) Good exercise.
I've been purposfully trying to spend as little time watching TV and being on the computer. With summer pretty much here I've been spending most of my free time helping a friend work on his house and learning about handyman stuff....it's fun, healthy, and rewarding all in one.
I wouldn't mind finding a good replacement for Day of Defeat as that game was my life for about a year or so :) Thank god there isn't one or I'd be in serious trouble.
Re: What games you guys playin'?
I bought my son a game he wanted off ebay ... (Rampage World Tour - PS1) ... it arrived in my name so I left it, in its padded manilla envelope, on my son's bed ... he had been cleaning his room the day before and thought that the Apple Care padded manilla envelope he had thrown away the day before had magically appeared on his bed again, so he promptly "returned" it to the garbage can.
Then tonight he asked me if the game had come yet, I told him it yes it did and I had left it on his bed two days ago, and he realized what he had done.
The garbage man already came this morning. Ain't it always the way!
SO now tonight, I've re-purchased the exact same game again off ebay.
Re: What games you guys playin'?
Originally Posted by Trevor Ash
I wouldn't mind finding a good replacement for Day of Defeat as that game was my life for about a year or so :) Thank god there isn't one or I'd be in serious trouble.
The source version of day of defeat should be out very very soon. :D