Re: What games you guys playin'?
Originally Posted by kellybean
are you talking about my game?
There is no difference (that I know of) between squares and circles, except cosmetic I guess.
And if you're running the game using "wrapping", then you can go through the edge (but not through a border) only if there's another wire on the "opposite" side to connect to.
If you run the game on "normal" setting, then you don't want to go through the edge. You'll want all wires to connect inside the grid, with no wires touching the edge at all.
Start with a 3x3 grid, it's easier to learn the rules that way.
This probably qualifies me as stupid, but... AHHHHHGGGGGHHHHH!!!! 3X3 just makes it worse.
God what insane clown invented that game?
Re: What games you guys playin'?
I play Battlefield Vietnam mainly sometime with the PoE mod.
I also just started playing Counter Strike: Source
impatiently waiting for Battlefield 2
Yuck. I added you to my xfire. incase anyone else wants mine its zjchaser
Re: What games you guys playin'?
thanks for letting me know, I was confused
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Re: What games you guys playin'?
Originally Posted by kellybean
are you talking about my game?
There is no difference (that I know of) between squares and circles, except cosmetic I guess.
And if you're running the game using "wrapping", then you can go through the edge (but not through a border) only if there's another wire on the "opposite" side to connect to.
If you run the game on "normal" setting, then you don't want to go through the edge. You'll want all wires to connect inside the grid, with no wires touching the edge at all.
Start with a 3x3 grid, it's easier to learn the rules that way.
Oh yeah...Check me out! I'll have to try it with wrapping now...
Re: What games you guys playin'?
Hey, lookit you! Good job!
However, before you move on, see that big red number down in the lower left corner? You turned 164 times, but you only needed to turn 104 times. Try beating the game by matching the minimum number of turns.
Re: What games you guys playin'?
Have you triedFree Cell #1941? Its the only one I play because I havent won yet!
Re: What games you guys playin'?
Try freecell game "-1". It's an impossible game, but still fun to try!
Re: What games you guys playin'?
Re: What games you guys playin'?
Originally Posted by jar_e
Try freecell game "-1". It's an impossible game, but still fun to try!
I just played #1 and beat it the first try in about 15 minuets. (sweating for 10 of them). #1941 is impossible to me, so far anyway! Maybe its not the same game. Post a pic of the starting screen if you can. I tried but don't know how. Try 1941 let me know how it goes.
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Re: What games you guys playin'?
Mark it's actually the game negative one (with the dash in front of it like so "-1"). It's a microsoft easter egg, and it's impossible. Here' a screen shot.
Re: What games you guys playin'?
It looks impossible, and i'm gonna take you're word for it:)!
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Re: What games you guys playin'?
I beat the minimum number on a 5x5 grid.
No idea how I managed that :)
I reckon I'll waste a few hours tonight :(
Re: What games you guys playin'?
Paul, you're so funny. :D Kelly got you hooked!! It's all her fault. hehehe
Re: What games you guys playin'?
ha ha ha! Lookit that! And your time is not bad, either!
Yep, looks like yer hook'd ... :D
Re: What games you guys playin'?
Pinball on my PC.
Sometimes Freecell gets a go-round, too.
But the number one game I've lost the most years of life playing is TETRIS.
Zelda and all the Marios pull a distant second and third.
You can see I haven't picked up a game controller in about 10 years :)
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Re: What games you guys playin'?
Originally Posted by kellybean
And I also waste a lot of time right before bed playing this totally relaxing, hypnotic game: NET
You must nderstand my late nights, falling asleep in the afternoon at work, and general run down condition can NOT in any way be blamed on you pointing out this game to me.
Nope, nohow, no way. Nor my friend who is now addicted, and I get cryptic emails like this: 100 / 97 5:55 374116 or this: 110/104 5:38 322142 to which I can only sulk at 11x13.
Until now: 90/90 10:15 819634
I am now going to rest on my laurels.
And get my life back ;)
Re: What games you guys playin'?
LOL, Paul you are so funny! Determined as well! I was wondering if you were still playing Net, and how far into the game you got. Now I know. :)
Re: What games you guys playin'?
Not sure if I should carry on and go for a million points (if that's possible) or quit now.
Part of me wants to carry on :(
Re: What games you guys playin'?
I'm a bit tardy replying to this post, but I felt the games I play deserve a mention...haha...for about 7 years, my whole family was involved with Ultima:Online...after killing just about everything possible and spending toooooooo much money on a silly game, we finally said goodby to it a few months ago...now it's mostly Heroes of Might and Magic (complete series), Might and Magic Series (complete). Civilization III Gold and the Hoyle Card and Board games...but of course...there is also the old standby......FREECELL!!! HEHE
Re: What games you guys playin'?
I'm hooked right now on Tiger Woods 2005 and CMR for the N-Gage.
Re: What games you guys playin'?
Battlefield 2 coming out at the end of June! Yeah-Yeah!
Re: What games you guys playin'?
marble blast gold on my mac mini. Just beat the game a week ago, now I'm going for all the gold times.
and kitten cannon
Re: What games you guys playin'?
Half-Life 2....holy crap that game is amazing.
Re: What games you guys playin'?
Games? You have time for computer games? REALLY?
OK, OK, I play some pc games too.
Madden football '05
SimCity 4
Lionheart:Legacy of the Crusader (well, my alter ego is "Lionheart")
HitMan: Contracts
but not very often. Hey, I have little kids, I need to set a good example. :eek:
Plus today, I am a little distracted by the aftermath of Katrina and the infuriating apathy of some of my own staff towards their fellow men and women (and fellow Americans). I just want to scream about what I observed today at the office. Nuff said.
Re: What games you guys playin'?
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