Well, the US is gearing up for the National ID program passed by Republicans last year. So far the under-skin device is optional (only about 1000 people have already had it inserted) but we will all be assigned this number. You will need it to get a job, drive a car, board an airplane, train, bus, or boat, go to school, etc. Yeah, other countries require "papers" but the US has, in the past, stood for freedom.
What do you think about this new National ID? Like it? Dislike it? Don't care? Would you get the device implanted? Perhaps you think it's OK, or fights terrorism, or is the Mark of the Beast, something else...? Personally, I find it terrifying that the Republicans have yet again turned over so much power to the federal government. In hindsight, maybe the Union should have lost the Civil War to preserve our basic freedoms.