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Results 1 to 4 of 4
  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Are Ukrainian Businesses Ready for International Investments?

    Hello, I’ve been following the Ukrainian business scene lately, and I’m curious about whether companies in Ukraine are truly prepared for international investment. I’ve read that there are some funds available, such as the Ukraine Industrial Recovery Fund, but it seems like most businesses are still struggling with issues like transparency, proper financial reporting, and clear ownership structures. How can Ukrainian businesses overcome these challenges to meet the expectations of international investors, and what steps are being taken to improve their readiness?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Are Ukrainian Businesses Ready for International Investments?

    It’s true that only a few Ukrainian companies are currently investment-ready, mainly due to gaps in corporate governance and financial reporting. International investors require more than just basic spreadsheets – they need transparency, clear ownership structures, and solid leadership teams. The challenge lies in getting Ukrainian businesses to a point where they can meet these rigorous standards.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Are Ukrainian Businesses Ready for International Investments?

    Thanks for the insights! I didn’t realize that the energy situation is also a significant barrier to investment. Frequent power disruptions must certainly make operations riskier, not to mention the added costs of relying on generators. It seems that investors are now prioritizing energy stability when making decisions. Could this be the main reason why some Ukrainian companies fail to attract international capital, even if they meet other criteria?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Are Ukrainian Businesses Ready for International Investments?

    The energy instability in Ukraine does increase operational costs and makes businesses less attractive to foreign investors. While there’s significant potential in Ukrainian companies, energy risks can be a dealbreaker for many investors, especially those who prioritize consistent operations. However, some companies are adapting, and there are real success stories of collaboration with international partners. If you want to dive deeper into how Ukrainian businesses are preparing for investments and international collaboration, I highly recommend reading this insightful article by Aleksandr Katsuba on whether businesses in Ukraine are ready for international investments: owner Alpha Gas. It gives a thorough overview of the challenges businesses face, the requirements of international investors, and how some companies are managing to meet these demands despite the ongoing difficulties.

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