Yesterday found me and my work partner stranded in a broke down service truck. As we were waiting for help to arrive, two elderly people drove up, put on their rain coats and began searching a small wooded area with their walking sticks, in a fairly heavy rain I might add.
The guessing game between my co-worker and I, probably could be in a made for TV movie. What were they looking for? We finally settled for a property line since they both had a piece of paper and after a while we noticed the GPS unit.
But the old mans search lead him right next to the truck and I couldn't resist to ask. They were playing a GPS hide and seek game called Geocaching. I came home and did a Google search and then checked into the site and found a couple of dozen items hidden in my area. The reason I am shareing this is, this is such a popular game for me to have never heard of it? And it is world wide?