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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2020

    Muscle mass and body fat

    Hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone has got recommendations of a good scale that calculates muscle mass and body fat.
    I know the number on the scale doesn’t mean anything, so I would really like to gain more insight into muscle gain and fat loss.
    My partner recently surprised me with a Fitbit scale, however, when I stepped on it it came up with a body fat percentage of 39%!! After looking up the reviews I saw there were heaps of people complaining that their body fat % on the Fitbit scale were very inaccurate.
    So here I am wondering if someone has got a scale that seems more accurate than the Fitbit scale or if there are other ways of measuring muscle mass and body fat.

  2. #2
    eva is offline
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2020

    Re: Muscle mass and body fat

    I think the best way to get accurate measurements is to see a dietitian or a some other health care practitioner specializes in weight loss, who has the necessary equipment to calculate fat/muscle percentage. In Mexico (where I live), many gyms offer this service in cooperation with a dietitian.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2020

    Re: Muscle mass and body fat

    I've been doing bodybuilding for two years now. I put a lot of effort into my body. What I realized during this time for bodybuilding needs two things perseverance and a little pharmacology. To answer your question, in order for the muscles to grow, there is no fat, you need to regularly go to the gym and take stanoil

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