Message To U.S. Corporations: Improve Your Computer Security Now

According to Monaco, these types of ransomware are more diverse, sophisticated, and dangerous to which no organization is immune. Monaco specifically addressed U.S. corporations in the press conference that the , “...threat of severe ransomware attacks pose a clear and present danger to your organization, to your company, to your customers, to your shareholders, and to your long-term success. Pay attention now. Invest resources now. Failure to do so could be the difference of being secure now and being a victim later.”

Peter Todd, an Applied Cryptography Consultant, spoke with me on the evening of Friday, June 4, during the Bitcoin 2021 Conference in Miami, regarding the impact of ransomware attacks on U.S. infrastructure. Todd pointed to the root cause of ransomware attacks as being the result of poorly developed computer security. “Nothing stops computer security from actually being done right. It’s not actually that hard. You know, every time we see ransomware, the root cause of this is someone cutting corners...” said Todd. PGSLOT WALLET

Todd believes the White House should focus on regulation for holding companies to a higher standards of computer security. As to any kind of regulation around Bitcoin he described as ‘...a bandaid’. Todd explained, “It would hide the real problem. China and Russia aren’t doing it because they want your money. China and Russia are doing it because they want to destroy the U.S.” Todd noted ransomware is involuntary, abusive, and unethical; however, considering our options, he feels it is something the U.S. would much rather deal with than the ‘real thing’.