Off-Topic Forum

Anything that's not related to photography, except religion and politics*. Discuss Britney Spears, your Kiss records, swing dancing, salsa recipes. The Off-Topic forum is moderated by walterick and adina.
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  1. #226
    banished christiansoldier's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Quote Originally Posted by snoid
    Wow.............pseudo still haven't answered any questions posed to you.

    I now consider your position on the only subject you can answer.........completely BOGUS.

    As well as ill informed...............I will ask you again to please refrain from voting.
    Find the wisdom.

    Your attitude has killed millions. Does that help you sleep?
    .......................Seperation of Church and State.................Forever..................... ..........

    And can we please take that under God thing taken out of the pledge of allegiance...........Some bozo put it in there in the 50s.......It doesen't belong.
    Besides..........Who died and made you pope?
    snoid, I have no regard for your opinion, whatsoever.

    Have a nice day.

  2. #227
    Member snoid's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Point taken...............But it's just because YOU have no opinion.
    So I did win
    Look through a glass eye.
    Give it a few tries.
    Nothing goes right in its time.
    --Tally Hall--

  3. #228
    banished christiansoldier's Avatar
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    Sep 2008

    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Quote Originally Posted by snoid
    Point taken...............But it's just because YOU have no opinion.
    So I did win

    You're a legend in your own mind.

  4. #229
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Soldier, did you come here to prove how Palin's name on the ticket will help resolve our American problem with abortion? I see you bickering not talking. What is Palin going to do about our American problem? Do you really think that simply writing a law will resolve the problem?

    I'm firmly pro-life myself, I too regard the unborn as a human life. But if its occuring in the free market, its not just going to magically disappear because someone writes it into law; its best resolved in the free private world before it can be resolved politically. Besides, McCain/Palin aren't going to do a damned thing about it, they only pander about it to get the most easily persuaded political demographics - zealot ultra-christian "pro-lifers". Its a distraction, what is Palin/McCain going to do to make this world a better place for the urban class who are having most of these abortions. No, that would actually be relevant, this is politics...

    If you source me to another Michelle Malkin web page, or Ann Coulter, I'll take it you don't really take the issue seriously.

  5. #230
    Member snoid's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    The truth is he doesn't know.
    Thinking is hard......mouthing is easy.
    Sounds like a crack head.........Can't think so he doesn't answer.
    He seems to feel he is infallable on matters of faith...........That's why the pope remark.
    Just another tool of the Karl Roves of the world.
    It's sad really.

    Look through a glass eye.
    Give it a few tries.
    Nothing goes right in its time.
    --Tally Hall--

  6. #231
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Quote Originally Posted by Anbesol
    what is Palin/McCain going to do to make this world a better place for the urban class who are having most of these abortions. No, that would actually be relevant, this is politics..
    Good point! I too abhor abortion in most cases but also know the decision is not an easy one for many women. I do object to our tax money paying for it unless it is for the health of the mother.
    That being said, the programs and general frame of mind of the Democratic party will do much more for our society in general.....for the poor and middle class who may not be considering abortion if there were some security in their lives.
    There're many communities out there where these points can be argued ad infinitum but it has become a wall between those of us who argue differing points of view here.
    I'd rather debate/discuss other reasons for how we intend to vote which could help us understand the differing points of view that we might understand each other.

    Soldier, you have yet to meet anyone here that is pro-abortion, yet you continue to condemn anyone whose political views do not agree with yours. This is not how I was taught to spread the good word. It only turns people off when you cannot listen.

    Earlier this year, I was at an event where a group of "christians" were waving their signs and shouting about how God hates gays. 30 feet away was a poor guy with a sign asking for lunch money. None of them saw him or ministered to his needs as they were so intent on their mis-lead passion.
    Keep Shooting!


    Please refrain from editing my photos without asking.

  7. #232
    banished christiansoldier's Avatar
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    Sep 2008

    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Quote Originally Posted by snoid
    The truth is he doesn't know.
    Thinking is hard......mouthing is easy.
    Sounds like a crack head.........Can't think so he doesn't answer.
    He seems to feel he is infallable on matters of faith...........That's why the pope remark.
    Just another tool of the Karl Roves of the world.
    It's sad really.


    When all else fails, go ad hominem, eh, snoid?

    Anbesol, I'm no happier about the Republican ticket than anyone else here.

    But, having heard Obama's stance on abortion and his unsupported blather about 'change', I see no other options. A vote for an Independent is a waste of ballot.

  8. #233
    Member snoid's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    If you do come back here soldier............not a legend at all. Just a man.

    I win because you don't respond. Except for thinnly veiled insults and lurid pictures. Seems to be your way.
    Not unlike the GOP.
    I have to wonder if you've ever even met a muslim....let alone argued religion with one.
    In the end he was still my friend..........and still a muslim.
    But I did win the argument.
    If you don't respond to questions or statements about Palin. You lose.
    So....LOL right back at ya!
    Others have given many well thought out answers to your question on this off the rails thread and you don't respond to them either.............So you lost those too. you even own a camera?
    Or did you just respond here to anothers request?
    Mebbie your ministy needs to have it's tax exemption pulled. Sound like your stumping from the pulpit.....that's illegal. Or is breaking the law ok, just for you?
    I guess that's why you don't say where you're located.
    Look through a glass eye.
    Give it a few tries.
    Nothing goes right in its time.
    --Tally Hall--

  9. #234
    banished christiansoldier's Avatar
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    Sep 2008

    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Quote Originally Posted by snoid
    If you do come back here soldier............not a legend at all. Just a man.

    I win because you don't respond. Except for thinnly veiled insults and lurid pictures. Seems to be your way.
    Not unlike the GOP.
    I have to wonder if you've ever even met a muslim....let alone argued religion with one.
    In the end he was still my friend..........and still a muslim.
    But I did win the argument.
    If you don't respond to questions or statements about Palin. You lose.
    So....LOL right back at ya!
    Others have given many well thought out answers to your question on this off the rails thread and you don't respond to them either.............So you lost those too. you even own a camera?
    Or did you just respond here to anothers request?
    Mebbie your ministy needs to have it's tax exemption pulled. Sound like your stumping from the pulpit.....that's illegal. Or is breaking the law ok, just for you?
    I guess that's why you don't say where you're located.
    Yeap, you are a winner, alright. A little slow on the draw though, and all you did was shoot yourself in the foot. When coming to a war of wits, its best to be somewhat armed.

    Tax exemption? You presume much. You brought up a great point though. Keep the Dems in office and you will find that even you end up muzzled.

  10. #235
    banished christiansoldier's Avatar
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    Sep 2008

    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Quote Originally Posted by Frog

    Earlier this year, I was at an event where a group of "christians" were waving their signs and shouting about how God hates gays. 30 feet away was a poor guy with a sign asking for lunch money. None of them saw him or ministered to his needs as they were so intent on their mis-lead passion.
    Sounds like the shenanigans of the so-called Westboro Baptist Church...hate mongers misrepresenting Christ. Should they die w/o repenting they will find a special place reserved for them in hell. My response is to pray for them.

    Just curious, since you brought it up, Frog... did you help out the guy that needed money?

  11. #236
    Member snoid's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Nope foot's's your's that's bleeding.
    Muzzled?.............It's GOP that was and still is doing the muzzling.
    They repealed the fairness doctrine, or did you forget that?
    And you skipped most of the questions once again.
    You're standing in quicksand.
    Any more insults?
    I could respond in kind if you like.
    Back to politics, though.
    Do you remember the Keating 5?
    Look through a glass eye.
    Give it a few tries.
    Nothing goes right in its time.
    --Tally Hall--

  12. #237
    banished christiansoldier's Avatar
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    Sep 2008

    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Quote Originally Posted by snoid
    Nope foot's's your's that's bleeding.
    Muzzled?.............It's GOP that was and still is doing the muzzling.
    They repealed the fairness doctrine, or did you forget that?
    And you skipped most of the questions once again.
    You're standing in quicksand.
    Any more insults?
    I could respond in kind if you like.
    Back to politics, though.
    Do you remember the Keating 5?
    Fairness Doctrine? You're kidding right? You think that there is something fair about demanding provision of free airtime for the 'opposing view'? Let the opposing view buy their own stinking airtime.

    I could respond in kind if you like.
    You already have, don't act all innocent.

    Keating 5 - you mean that sordid mess that McCain was cleared on? What about it?

  13. #238
    Member snoid's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    So in your book the rich man wins........The one with the most money has the most valid opinion?
    That's a very shallow understanding of the act and what it was written to protect.
    And no......I have not responed in kind.
    Very shallow on the Keating 5 too.
    Amazing that both he and Bush got thier profits out of Enron just before the investigation.
    Insider trading anyone?
    Do you know who Phil Gramm is or what he's done?
    Look through a glass eye.
    Give it a few tries.
    Nothing goes right in its time.
    --Tally Hall--

  14. #239
    Princess of the OT adina's Avatar
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    rockin' it in the D

    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Hey guys, you need to keep this from becoming comments on the person, instead of the topic. This thread is fast heading towards being closed, which is too bad, because it started at a good discussion.
    I sleep, but I don't rest.

  15. #240
    banished christiansoldier's Avatar
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    Sep 2008

    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Quote Originally Posted by snoid
    And no......I have not responed in kind.
    Oh, really?

    Quote Originally Posted by snoid
    The truth is he doesn't know.
    Thinking is hard......mouthing is easy.
    Sounds like a crack head.........Can't think so he doesn't answer.
    He seems to feel he is infallable on matters of faith...........That's why the pope remark.
    Just another tool of the Karl Roves of the world.
    It's sad really.
    Denial is not a river in Egypt. And when the evidence is on the same page, it's downright numb.

    But, whatever, dude.

    Phil Gramm? :idea: Dunno. Honestly don't care, either.

    While your mulling over your next thought provoking response, try educating yourself on what you are spewing.
    Last edited by christiansoldier; 09-21-2008 at 07:46 PM.

  16. #241
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Soldier - you've had several opportunities to explain your self seriously, and it seems like you prefer bickering over a serious discussion. If you want to express your self seriously - do that, and avoid the petty bickering. Pretend this is a college debate class, not a party convention.

    Frog - I really hope you are right about the democrats being better for the middle and lower class people. I know they certainly pay a lot more attention to them, but you know politicians, they are wildly famous for disappointing people. They've let Bush get away with more than enough - they should have started doing something about him in 2002, and particularly in 2006 when they took both the house and senate. Sometimes I feel like they've just postponed any serious action to stake an election on it.

  17. #242
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    wa state

    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Totally agree, Anbesol. Just hoping a new leader in their ranks will wake them up.
    Keep Shooting!


    Please refrain from editing my photos without asking.

  18. #243
    banished christiansoldier's Avatar
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    Sep 2008

    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Anbesol - I have been serious as a heart attack regarding the position of Obama on abortion.

    Comic relief has been provided via snoid.

    Regarding speculation that Javier asked me to come and 'help' him...he did not and he needs no help.

    What he did do is indicate to me a degree of dismay that some folks at a forum he enjoys (yeap...PR) profess Christian faith, yet seem apathetic and/or ambivalent towards the slaughter of babies referred to as 'choice'. I came. I saw. I replied.

    As I have already stated, I am no great fan of the current Republican candidates. It sadly boils down to the lessor of two evils.

    Be sure to note, it takes at least two to bicker.

    Pax and out.

  19. #244
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    But neither candidate are going to change a damned thing about abortion laws, it doesn't matter what Obama's personal position is. He will do in office the exact same thing McCain would do in office with abortion laws - not a damned thing. So, you are essentially basing your decision on a non-issue.

    Be sure to note, it takes at least two to bicker.
    It also takes only one to stop.

  20. #245
    Senior Member Dylan8i's Avatar
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    Yellowstone NP, USA

    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Quote Originally Posted by christiansoldier

    What he did do is indicate to me a degree of dismay that some folks at a forum he enjoys (yeap...PR) profess Christian faith, yet seem apathetic and/or ambivalent towards the slaughter of babies referred to as 'choice'. I came. I saw. I replied.

    this is also based on YOUR opinion on when a group of cells (similar to cancer, tumors etc) becomes a "baby"

    yes killing of babies is bad, EVERYONE will agree with you. what you need to understand is your opinion of when you believe a group of cells becomes a child may or may not be the correct one, but everyone is allowed to have that opinion.

    noone is debating that killing is good.

    but what about all those sperm and eggs that get flushed away every day, or the omni potent stem cells that adults have. they have the same potential for life that other groups of cells have. yet i bet you don't fight for those? thus in my opinion you ARE a murder to.
    check out my photography website

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  21. #246
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Quote Originally Posted by christiansoldier
    3000 babies are slaughtered daily and you are worried about copyright issues?

    Well, let me put your mind at rest - that photo came from a site that grants reuse permission.

    Perhaps that will help you sleep and rest better.
    The site doesn't allow use of someone else's photos. That's because it's a serious photography site and photo ownership is is different here than it might be elsewhere.

    Your reviews are the foundation of this site - Write A Review!

  22. #247
    Member snoid's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Well. It's late. And I did help to inflame things on this thread.
    I'm just a bit of a cynic. Hard not to be after all I've seen and been through.
    I also appologize if anyone felt truely offended by my words.
    The main thing I was tryng to get a response on was this.
    So I will say it one more time and bid adieu.
    .....................................Seperation of church and state............................................. ....
    It's important
    Look through a glass eye.
    Give it a few tries.
    Nothing goes right in its time.
    --Tally Hall--

  23. #248
    banished christiansoldier's Avatar
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    Sep 2008

    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Quote Originally Posted by Photo-John
    The site doesn't allow use of someone else's photos. That's because it's a serious photography site and photo ownership is is different here than it might be elsewhere.
    Oh, really?

    Did jetrim take this photo????

    Quote Originally Posted by jetrim

  24. #249
    banished christiansoldier's Avatar
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    Sep 2008

    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Quote Originally Posted by Dylan8i
    this is also based on YOUR opinion on when a group of cells (similar to cancer, tumors etc) becomes a "baby"

    yes killing of babies is bad, EVERYONE will agree with you. what you need to understand is your opinion of when you believe a group of cells becomes a child may or may not be the correct one, but everyone is allowed to have that opinion.

    noone is debating that killing is good.

    but what about all those sperm and eggs that get flushed away every day, or the omni potent stem cells that adults have. they have the same potential for life that other groups of cells have. yet i bet you don't fight for those? thus in my opinion you ARE a murder to.
    You seem to fail to realize that full term babies are ripped out of the womb. Do they qualify as clumps of cells? Are you attempting to equate adult stem cells with the harvesting of embryonic stem cells by slicing and dicing human embryos?

  25. #250
    banished christiansoldier's Avatar
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    Sep 2008

    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Quote Originally Posted by snoid
    Well. It's late. And I did help to inflame things on this thread.
    I'm just a bit of a cynic. Hard not to be after all I've seen and been through.
    I also appologize if anyone felt truely offended by my words.
    The main thing I was tryng to get a response on was this.
    So I will say it one more time and bid adieu.
    .....................................Seperation of church and state............................................. ....
    It's important
    Thank you. I appreciate that.

    Separation of Church and State as it is applied (and unevenly applied, at that) has jack to do with what the founders intended.

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