Live Earth is a 24-hour, world-wide concert occurring on 7 continents involving 150 artists and purportedly 2 billion people. The goal is to raise awareness and create political action to help decrease global warming. The 2 main concerts are occurring in NYC and London. Some of the stars performing are:
KT Tunstall
Keith Urban
Fall Out Boy
John Mayer
Kelly Clarkson
Dave Mathews
Alicia Keys
Bon Jovi
The Pumpkins
Great Britain has:
Black eyed Peas
Chili Peppers
Beastie Boys
Pussycat Dolls
Foo Fighters
The concert began tonight and currently I am watching the Sydney show. You can watch streaming here: Live Earth streaming
The NYC show starts Saturday at 2:30 EST.
And, in other earth-friendly news, Toyota has pledged to make it's entire fleet of vehicles hybrid by 2020, and has pledged to make hybrid vehicles cost the same as traditional cars by 2010. I say, things they are a changin'
Have fun watching!