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  1. #1
    Poster Formerly Known as Michael Fanelli mwfanelli's Avatar
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    Linux vs Apple vs Windows

    Has anyone seen the first two Novell/Linux parodies of those silly Apple vs Windows ads? They are hilarious. Linux ain't there yet for many, but never say never. Number two tries harder...
    Last edited by mwfanelli; 03-24-2007 at 06:08 PM.
    "Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." --Mark Twain

  2. #2
    Moderator Skyman's Avatar
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    Re: Linux vs Apple vs Windows

    i am about to set up an old machine with ubuntu so i will have a mac a pc and a linux machine on the one network....... Just 'cause i can

  3. #3
    Poster Formerly Known as Michael Fanelli mwfanelli's Avatar
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    Re: Linux vs Apple vs Windows

    Quote Originally Posted by Skyman
    i am about to set up an old machine with ubuntu so i will have a mac a pc and a linux machine on the one network....... Just 'cause i can
    Exactly. I have Ubuntu 6.10 running on an old Toshiba laptop that works only some of the time (flaky hard drive). Linux is now more than good enough for a user who does the basic stuff, email, web, simple documents, playing music, etc. Its still not there with drivers (the manufacturers fault), commercial DVD playing (licensing), or image manipulation beyond simple changes (The Gimp is minimal). But it does extremely well in the server space and has improved its install procedures by magnitudes.

    I truly feel that any threat to MS will definately come from Linux, slowly, and starting in Asia, India, etc. Mac will be left in its current state as an also-ran.
    "Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." --Mark Twain

  4. #4
    Moderator Skyman's Avatar
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    Re: Linux vs Apple vs Windows

    Quote Originally Posted by mwfanelli
    I truly feel that any threat to MS will definately come from Linux, slowly, and starting in Asia, India, etc.
    I think the shift will come when applications are delivered online as is already happening. people, particularly business looking at the bottom line will opt for cheaper and more stable options. the advantage of online distributions is that it frees up valuable memory and what would otherwise be a costly and time cosuming process of managing versions, updates and upgrades will largely disappear. As will hopefully the nasties such as macro viruses (or is it virii?)
    Quote Originally Posted by mwfanelli

    Mac will be left in its current state as an also-ran.
    Blasphemy! I think apple will increase its marketshare on the back of the success of the ipod and other technologies such as the iphone and itv. I guess though it really comes down to $$ and availability of applications. I bought a mac as at the time final cut pro was the final word so to speak in video editing. now i use premier on a pc at work all the time, and I run cs2 very happily on a pc when before some of the applications were definately mac only. I guess the range of available software reflects the market penetration of the various operating systems. I was hoping i could get I tunes for ubuntu as i could then use it as a media server but utilise playlists on other machines (as hard drive space is very limited on my linux box) I haven't had time to play with it much but ubuntu seems to offer everything that most users would need with 2 great caveats it is both legal and free!!

  5. #5
    Poster Formerly Known as Michael Fanelli mwfanelli's Avatar
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    Re: Linux vs Apple vs Windows

    Quote Originally Posted by Skyman
    I think apple will increase its marketshare on the back of the success of the ipod and other technologies such as the iphone and itv. I guess though it really comes down to $$ and availability of applications...!
    Apple does well with the specialty hardware. That is one reason it recently changed the company name from Apple Computers to just Apple Inc. Sales of Macs are still stagnent at about 2.3% of the market, there has been little or no crossover. On the other hand, iPods and iTunes rule their space, even I have an iPod! I am confident that the overpriced seen-it-before iPhone should do very well.

    When it comes to Linux, if several key items were implimented well, I'd have no problems leaving MS behind. IMHO, Ubuntu has changed the face of desktop LInux. I don't hate MS the way some people do, but I look for the cheapest full functionality I can get. Right now, that's MS. Maybe in the future it will be Linux.
    "Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." --Mark Twain

  6. #6
    Tel is offline
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    Re: Linux vs Apple vs Windows

    Gah, Linux is the best, Macs suck mostly cause of the iPod (Seriously, Why do you buy those gay things? There EXTREMELY overpriced.), Windows sucks cause of the Viruses and bugs, Linux sucks cause of the limited compatibility. But with Linux, Pretty much everything is free. Plus the fact that its open source, which means that if you have the ability, you can REALLY customize or even make your own Operating System.

    Enough of me ranting, Those commercials were pretty good, but they weren't exactly funny.

    Canon Digital Rebel with Quantray 19-35 F3.5-4.5 basically Glued on. :P

  7. #7
    Poster Formerly Known as Michael Fanelli mwfanelli's Avatar
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    Re: Linux vs Apple vs Windows

    Quote Originally Posted by Tel
    Gah, Linux is the best, Macs suck mostly cause of the iPod (Seriously, Why do you buy those gay things? There EXTREMELY overpriced.), Windows sucks cause of the Viruses and bugs, Linux sucks cause of the limited compatibility. But with Linux, Pretty much everything is free. Plus the fact that its open source, which means that if you have the ability, you can REALLY customize or even make your own Operating System.

    Enough of me ranting, Those commercials were pretty good, but they weren't exactly funny.
    Eeek (a girlie scream)! Macs and iPods don't go together. Yeah, the big iPods are overpriced. But my little Shuffle does a great job and was in line with the price of similiar players. For a fancier unit, I would look around first. The iTunes store sells the iPods, I have yet to see any online store that is more complete.

    Lots of the free stuff you get on Linux also works on Windows. I have Open Office (although MS Office is vastly superior), SciLab, Firefox, Thunderbird, Opera, TrueCrypt, free Zone Alarm, etc. Come to think of it, the only commercial products I've paid for on my personal Windows laptop is UltraEdit (fantastic for about $30) and MS Office - even that was free because I work for the college and its covered under the site license.

    Those little inconsitencies are what holds Linux back from The Show. I want to play a DVD on my laptop without having to hack or steal software. I want to edit photos with a good software package. I want a first class editor that didn't get stuck in the muck of the 1980s. I want device drivers. I tried going Linux-only and lasted about a week at best. But, with just some small changes, that could be very different.

    Maybe the new Ubuntu 7.04 now in alpha testing..?
    "Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." --Mark Twain

  8. #8
    Senior Member cyberlord's Avatar
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    Re: Linux vs Apple vs Windows

    I've been running FreeBSD since version 4.1 I believe and I love it. It's had its growing pains but with KDE desktop it's a wonderful product and way more stable than the other 2 systems. I've had one (server mind you) run for over 330 days and that was cut short by a long poweroutage where my UPS ran out of juice. The only reasons I ran Win2K on dual boot was to play games and use Photoshop. These days I don't have time for games and I use GIMP all the time now. The biggest thing I miss with GIMP is batch processing. Someone has to have a script out there to batch process!
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  9. #9
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Re: Linux vs Apple vs Windows

    I have to admit reading this thread is akin to reading Greek to me
    Walter Rick Long
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  10. #10
    Poster Formerly Known as Michael Fanelli mwfanelli's Avatar
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    Re: Linux vs Apple vs Windows

    Quote Originally Posted by walterick
    I have to admit reading this thread is akin to reading Greek to me
    If you grub it to a a USB flash and use it with a USB-bootable BIOS, it will all turn into English.
    "Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." --Mark Twain

  11. #11
    Senior Member cyberlord's Avatar
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    Re: Linux vs Apple vs Windows

    I didn't know they made USB flashes for cameras.
    My blog - Photography Rulez

    'Slim' - K10D and *ist DL w/ SMCP DA 70mm 2.4 Limited, SMCP-DA 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6, SMC M 28mm f/2.8, SMC M 50mm f/1.7, and Tamron AF75-300mm f/4-5.6 LD Macro
    Slim of the Clan O'Canon - A1 w/ FD 28, 50, 70-210 & Sigma 500/1000 f8/f16

  12. #12
    Poster Formerly Known as Michael Fanelli mwfanelli's Avatar
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    Re: Linux vs Apple vs Windows

    Quote Originally Posted by cyberlord
    I didn't know they made USB flashes for cameras.
    Hey! A Linux powered camera! We can do spreadsheets while taking photos...
    "Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." --Mark Twain

  13. #13
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: Linux vs Apple vs Windows

    I know I'm old but I just never figured out the popularity of ipods when I've got a radio.
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  14. #14
    Poster Formerly Known as Michael Fanelli mwfanelli's Avatar
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    Re: Linux vs Apple vs Windows

    Quote Originally Posted by Frog
    I know I'm old but I just never figured out the popularity of ipods when I've got a radio.
    Simple. No mindless commercials, no reception problems, and it always plays the music you like.
    "Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." --Mark Twain

  15. #15
    Tel is offline
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    Re: Linux vs Apple vs Windows

    Quote Originally Posted by mwfanelli
    Eeek (a girlie scream)! Macs and iPods don't go together. Yeah, the big iPods are overpriced. But my little Shuffle does a great job and was in line with the price of similiar players. For a fancier unit, I would look around first. The iTunes store sells the iPods, I have yet to see any online store that is more complete.

    Lots of the free stuff you get on Linux also works on Windows. I have Open Office (although MS Office is vastly superior), SciLab, Firefox, Thunderbird, Opera, TrueCrypt, free Zone Alarm, etc. Come to think of it, the only commercial products I've paid for on my personal Windows laptop is UltraEdit (fantastic for about $30) and MS Office - even that was free because I work for the college and its covered under the site license.

    Those little inconsitencies are what holds Linux back from The Show. I want to play a DVD on my laptop without having to hack or steal software. I want to edit photos with a good software package. I want a first class editor that didn't get stuck in the muck of the 1980s. I want device drivers. I tried going Linux-only and lasted about a week at best. But, with just some small changes, that could be very different.

    Maybe the new Ubuntu 7.04 now in alpha testing..?
    Honestly, I dual boot. Linux for Internet and stuff, Windows for Games and Photoshop. Some people may think it, but The GIMP is NO Substitute for Photoshop.

    But yeah, One of these day's Linux will come out triumphant. People are gonna stop using Windows cause of Viruses, Then Apple will screw up yet again and screw up something, And the only OS left will be Linux (And FreeBSD, umm.. thats the only other one I know).

    That'll be the day, eh? But hey, I can still play Unreal Tournament on Linux, right?

    Canon Digital Rebel with Quantray 19-35 F3.5-4.5 basically Glued on. :P

  16. #16
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Re: Linux vs Apple vs Windows

    Plus, white earphones are better.
    Walter Rick Long
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  17. #17
    Poster Formerly Known as Michael Fanelli mwfanelli's Avatar
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    Re: Linux vs Apple vs Windows

    Quote Originally Posted by Tel
    But yeah, One of these day's Linux will come out triumphant. People are gonna stop using Windows cause of Viruses...
    But if Linux truly does become popular just like Windows, all the script bunnies will migrate to Linux attacks. Don't think like a Macophile: Linux is vunerable too! Nobody really cares about attacking Linux right now because of Microsoft's current massive market dominance.

    Hey, isn't Solaris free for personal use now? I thought I read that somewhere.
    "Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." --Mark Twain

  18. #18
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
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    Re: Linux vs Apple vs Windows

    You can keep them Ipods, but don't touch my satellite radio.
    I am like Barney Fife, I have a gun but Andy makes me keep the bullet in my pocket..

    Sony a99/a7R

  19. #19
    Poster Formerly Known as Michael Fanelli mwfanelli's Avatar
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    Re: Linux vs Apple vs Windows

    Quote Originally Posted by Greg McCary
    You can keep them Ipods, but don't touch my satellite radio.
    My DirectTV satellite TV sends down 68 XM channels. There are about 10 stations I like to listen to. Satellite radio doesn't work well where I live, it is erratic on local roads and would need a roof-mounted antenna for home.
    "Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." --Mark Twain

  20. #20
    Moderator Skyman's Avatar
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    Re: Linux vs Apple vs Windows

    Quote Originally Posted by walterick
    Plus, white earphones are better.
    Come over here and say that! nothing can top my beasts!

    they are great for blocking out noise they make thing sound "as the mixing engineer wanted" so you are listening to the music as it was meant to sound, not how your amps eq makes it sound. and they are a joy to edit with. I have been through many set of headphones in my time and these are my favourite.

  21. #21
    Tel is offline
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    Re: Linux vs Apple vs Windows

    Quote Originally Posted by mwfanelli
    But if Linux truly does become popular just like Windows, all the script bunnies will migrate to Linux attacks. Don't think like a Macophile: Linux is vunerable too! Nobody really cares about attacking Linux right now because of Microsoft's current massive market dominance.
    No way man, Linux has like 1000x better security than Windows. Windows has always had a thing for not caring about security.

    Canon Digital Rebel with Quantray 19-35 F3.5-4.5 basically Glued on. :P

  22. #22
    Poster Formerly Known as Michael Fanelli mwfanelli's Avatar
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    Re: Linux vs Apple vs Windows

    Quote Originally Posted by Tel
    No way man, Linux has like 1000x better security than Windows. Windows has always had a thing for not caring about security.
    I also like to live in the world of fantasy! The tough part is when reality crumbles it, I spent close to 15 years doing development on UNIX boxes, they are not bulletproof by any means. Linux is no different.
    "Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." --Mark Twain

  23. #23
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
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    Re: Linux vs Apple vs Windows

    Quote Originally Posted by mwfanelli
    Nobody really cares about attacking Linux right now because of Microsoft's current massive market dominance.
    But according to the journal I read, LAMP has more market share in web applications than WIndows.
    So why aren't there server attacks tergeted at Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP then?

    Unless the anti-Microsoft marketing claims are wrong.
    Good grief, you can't believe what you see in print

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  24. #24
    Not-so-recent Nikon Convert livin4lax09's Avatar
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    Re: Linux vs Apple vs Windows

    Quote Originally Posted by Tel
    Gah, Linux is the best, Macs suck mostly cause of the iPod (Seriously, Why do you buy those gay things? There EXTREMELY overpriced.), Windows sucks cause of the Viruses and bugs, Linux sucks cause of the limited compatibility. But with Linux, Pretty much everything is free. Plus the fact that its open source, which means that if you have the ability, you can REALLY customize or even make your own Operating System.

    Enough of me ranting, Those commercials were pretty good, but they weren't exactly funny.

    macs suck because of the ipod? Sorry tel, but this is just a stupid argument. first off, ipods dont have anything to do with macs other than the fact you load music onto it off a mac. A macintosh is a computer distributed by apple, and an ipod is an mp3 playing distributed by apple. They are completely unrelated products. I personally don't think ipods are overpriced, because for the size, features, and sound quality, I'm willing to pay that much. Just because company a decides to release a 30gb mp3 player doesnt mean its the same as a 30gb ipod, just a lot cheaper. My friend used to tell me how much better his mp3 player was than mine, but his was about the size of a walkman. "but it cost 100 dollars less."

    sorry, computers. I get off topic.

    I'm a mac guy. I hated them before the released OS X, I'll admit it. But no longer. I will never buy a PC. I don't even have windows on my computer right now even though it could support it.

    I'll just say this... please please please do not argue that "the only reason macs dont get viruses is because why would anyone bother to write a virus for a computer that 3% of the population owns?" Because it's not an argument that furthers the PC's side of the debate. Yes, macs do have a small percentage of the market. OK, so not as many people write viruses for them. But does that make them worse by any means? NO. I don't care why I don't get as many viruses, I just know the fact that I don't get them is pretty damn good for me.

  25. #25
    Jedi Master masdog's Avatar
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    Re: Linux vs Apple vs Windows

    Quote Originally Posted by Skyman
    Blasphemy! I think apple will increase its marketshare on the back of the success of the ipod and other technologies such as the iphone and itv.
    The iPhone is gonna flop. Its not a good phone, a good PDA, or even a decent hybrid device like the Treo or Slver. It really doesn't have a market.

    The iTV is an interesting concept to build off of the iTunes store (especially since you can't burn your TV shows and movies to video discs...that I'm aware of), but it doesn't have support for HD content. Hopefully Apple will fix this in the next version.
    Sean Massey
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