Reported on CNN this morning. Yes, I don't celebrate Christmas so I have time to veg out in front of TV news!
It appears that Kansas is working hard to become the 21st century version of Mississippi in the 60s and 70s.
First, they legally redefine science, "expanding beyond the limitations" of the scientific method. This was done to allow the inclusion of Creationism, oops, sorry, Intelligent Design and the supernatural into the science classroom.
Now, Kansas legislators are contemplating a measure that would require a state registry of teenagers who decide to have sex. I can't fathom the justification of big government intruding into personal lives to this extent, but hey! I'm intelligent!
What's next, a revival of legislating the value of PI to be exactly 3? Perhaps the burning of witches or satanists, the public lynching of homosexuals, who knows? In the 21st century, Kansas has taken over first place in the USA as the bastion of ignorance and absurdity.