What is the NHS?

  • The NHS is a public health service in the UK and provides healthcare to everyone who needs it.
  • It’s funded by the government and free at the point of use, which means you don’t have to pay anything for treatment or prescriptions.
  • The NHS was founded in 1948 by Aneurin Bevan, who believed that everyone should have access to good quality health care regardless of their income or social status.

Who can sue the NHS?

How to sue the NHS? You can sue the NHS if you have suffered harm as a result of their negligence.
You can also sue if you have been harmed by an NHS body or an employee of one, even if that employee was not treating you directly.
How to find out if the NHS has made a mistake.

  • Check your medical records: You should be able to find out if the NHS has made a mistake by looking at your medical records. If there are mistakes, ask for a copy of them and make sure that it’s clear what they are.
  • Check the NHS complaints procedure: If there is no obvious error in your medical record but something doesn’t feel right, then it’s worth checking out whether or not the NHS has followed its own complaints procedure. The first step is always to complain directly to whoever was involved in making the mistake–for example, if you’re unhappy about treatment from an A&E doctor then talk directly with them first rather than trying to take legal action against them later on down the line (which may not even be possible).