Hello everyone
I want to say first off that I truly appreciate all the work everyone puts into helping to keep this forum (and website!) clean from abuse and spam. We are a very civilized bunch even though many... okay MOST... of our topics here in OT forum are political and religious. We usually manage to keep our heads cool and stir up heat and controversy without stooping to personal attacks and name-calling. I appreciate that. Everyone here has a voice, everyone here has a say, and everyone's opinion is honored.
The one thing we do have to contend with here especially in the Off-Topic Forum is the presence of SPAM. We get hit with it on almost a daily basis - usually late at night or early in the morning, but spam can come in at all hours of the day. Most of our users know how to report spammy-smelling posts already, but I wanted to post a reminder for those who might not know how to report spam in any forum on photographyreview.com
In the bottom left-hand corner of each individual post is a little red triangle. You'll see it next to the user's Online or Offline status. Following the instructions there will send a personal email out to the Moderators of that forum. As soon as we log on and see that email, we come and delete the spam. Sometimes during the weekend we all happen to be out partying and don't make it back in until early Monday morning but I promise as soon as we log in it is trashed!
(Note to potential spammers: most of your spam is deleted within MINUTES!)
So thank you for participating in our photography community and for making this the best dang website on the Earth for photography, gear reviews and people who love the craft!