So our house has this big montrous faux mantle that we thought was just sheets of brick siding on a frame. Dh got out his hammer today and decided to take it out, we are going to replace it with something a little more attractive.
So far we've found...
1942 spring/summer Sears Roebuck catalog, as good as new
1944 Ladies Home Journal, pretty good condition as well
a huge stack of Childrens Weekly Readers, dating sometime between 1929-1942
various boy scout magazines, from the 40's as well
tons of Milwaukee Journals from 1929-1942, a lot of them in readable condition, just a little brittle (eventually, I'm going to go thru these, some of the places/companies mentioned, are still around)
a doll, made of a paper lunch bag, with a handmade dress, there is fabric on the head, with a face drawn on it
coloring books and childrens books, not sure on the dates there
paper dolls, with homemade clothing, from 1942ish
Our big winner? A Gone With the Wind paper doll set, the original one from 1940, not the reproduction they did in the late 80's. It's cut out, and all we are missing is the little girl/small doll. We have her dresses, but no doll.
Oh yeah... and some insulation, but not too much..