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  1. #1
    Princess of the OT adina's Avatar
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    Harry Potter? Seen it? Read the book?


    If you've read the last book, please don't spoil it, but what'd you think?

    We saw the movie last week. What I love about the Harry Potter movies is they all stand on their own. Some are better than others, but you can enjoy it if you haven't seen the others. I liked this one...although I thought they missed some parts from the book that should've been there.

    I've read all the books except the newest. When the release them as a boxed set, that's when I'm going to buy them.

    Yeah, I'm a dork. I'm okay with it.
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  2. #2
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Re: Harry Potter? Seen it? Read the book?

    The last Potter movie I saw was the third one, I think, about the Phoenix? I should really get to the video store and start catching up. How many have they made since then?

    Adina in your opinion, have the books retained their original quality and character? I haven't read a single one, but I often wonder if writers change their style as they go on. Especially given the extreme success of these books.

    So, do Harry and the girl hook up?
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  3. #3
    drg is offline
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    Re: Harry Potter? Seen it? Read the book?

    Finished Chapter 15 last night, H, H, & R have been hiding out in a smelly old tent.

    Sorry, didn't mean to ruin the suspense.
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    Learning more with every "click" mjs1973's Avatar
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    Re: Harry Potter? Seen it? Read the book?

    Quote Originally Posted by adina
    When the release them as a boxed set, that's when I'm going to buy them.

    Yeah, I'm a dork. I'm okay with it.
    I'm right there with you Adina. I also want to get all the movies on DVD as a set. I haven't read any of the books, but I have listened to all of them except the last one. The wife and I are leaving for a long road trip this weekend, so I might see if I can find the new book on CD before we go.

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  5. #5
    Jedi Master masdog's Avatar
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    Re: Harry Potter? Seen it? Read the book?

    I finished the book on Saturday night. It was great! I would be reading it again, but I left it up north.

    I probably should reread the entire series...just to see what clues I missed.
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  6. #6
    don't tase me, bro! Asylum Steve's Avatar
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    Re: Harry Potter? Seen it? Read the book?

    Quote Originally Posted by adina
    I now have two HP movies to catch up on. I think...:idea:

    I have yet to read any of the books, but am thinking of picking up the newest one while it's still in First Edition print. Not to read it out of order, of course, but for it's collectible value.

    Then I'd like to get FE copies of the entire series and start reading them from the beginning.

    Yeah, you can tell I was a bookseller for a while...

    I can't imagine how anyone can not like these films. I love the ones I've seen and agree with Adina, I think they each stand on their own. As a kid growing up, the film that always captivated (and scared the crap out of) me was The Wizard of Oz.

    I can only imagine how kids react to the Potter films nowdays...

    BTW, the owl is my favorite bird and I just marvel at how beautiful they are. The thought of having my own like the students at Hogwarts blows my mind...
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  7. #7
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
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    Re: Harry Potter? Seen it? Read the book?

    Seen it.
    Queued at midnight for it, read it.
    Better writing than Order of the Phoenix.
    The film left out so much of the book, it might have been a different story.

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    Re: Harry Potter? Seen it? Read the book?

    I thought the final Harry was the best yet. Liked it so much, read it in less than one day - couldn't put it down!

    I understand that a bit of the appeal is that it is simple to read - we have only one point of view, since 90% of the story is from Harry's corner and only about 10% is from ANYONE else's point of view - but I would have liked to hear more about some of the other events in the book we are not privy to - stuff about what the death eaters are doing, what the DA is doing, how foriegn wizarding communities are coping, etc. There is so much of a world that has been created, that it would be nice if it were fleshed out a bit. Also, the last book was complex enough to warrent another 300 pages - a tough sell in a childrens book, but I'd like to read them!!!

    The new movie wasn't bad either - so far the Harry movies have been loyal enough to the feeling of the books that the minutea that is lost in translation doesn't really matter. I'd be happy if the rest of the movies came out as well as the first few did.
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  9. #9
    MJS is offline
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    Re: Harry Potter? Seen it? Read the book?

    saw the movie with both the kids and we loved it. My son and I read the book in one night each when we picked up our pre-order. very imaginative writing, great stuff.
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  10. #10
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
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    Re: Harry Potter? Seen it? Read the book?

    The movie stars are growing up faster than they can make the films !
    It'll be hard to keep them looking young enough for the next two films.

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  11. #11
    Senior Member Lara's Avatar
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    Re: Harry Potter? Seen it? Read the book?

    Hi All!

    I know the last post about HP was in July, but I decided to read the complete series before I commented. (I started with book one about 7 weeks ago and finished the final book over this past weekend.) The books are such a joy to read. With each book, Harry and the rest of the kids grow and mature, as do the story lines.

    It was nice to read something different. I'm so sick of seeing murder mysteries and crime stories on the book shelves. So it was time for me to read of witches and wizards!

    I saw all of the movies released, and was disappointed with the Order of the Phoenix. It lacked so much of the substance of the book.

    The last book, Deathly Hallows, is awesome! I couldn't put it down. But it did take me about 6 days to read it. I don't think I could ever read 759 pages in less than a day!!

  12. #12
    Princess of the OT adina's Avatar
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    Re: Harry Potter? Seen it? Read the book?

    I've read it as well, Started at about 2 in the afternoon, finished about midnight.

    Book started slow (imo) but picked up pretty well.

    My almost 9 yr old is reading these now, she loves them. We've been talking about them every night. She just finished the Goblet of Fire.
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  13. #13
    Senior Member Lara's Avatar
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    Re: Harry Potter? Seen it? Read the book?

    I think it's great that your daughter loves the books Adina.

    I agree about the last book starting out a little slow, but boy when it did pick up, it was great.

    I can't read that long a period of time. My eyes start to water after about 2 hours. So I read for a while, and pick it back up again after I give these old eyes a rest.

  14. #14
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
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    Re: Harry Potter? Seen it? Read the book?

    Last book I had to read the final part very slowly to work out who was whose child, very intricately written.

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