Harmful insects
There are many types of insects that are classified as harmful insects. Because it causes harm and inconvenience to humans, including, for example, the following types: [2] [3]
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Locusts and mites: Both grasshoppers and mites destroy agricultural crops.
Mosquitoes: The mosquito bites people to obtain the blood necessary to be able to live and multiply, and this may cause red and itchy pimples, as well as make annoying sounds and can transmit diseases from one person to another.
Fleas: are like mosquitoes; They bite people and pets, and itch.
Sand flies: They are small flies that have mouth parts specialized in piercing the skin and secreting saliva into the wound, then sucking blood from it.
House flies: House flies are harmful and annoying insects at the same time. Flies transmit a number of diseases to humans, as well as transfer to the open food dishes the filth that they feed on, such as feces.
Some types of ants: Many of us suffer from ants that spread throughout the house, and among its types are the carpenter ants that build their nests in the wood of the infrastructure of buildings, which causes damage to them, while the crazy mulberry ants like to wander around in electrical devices, causing an electrical short.
Biting flies: They are flies belonging to the family (Tabanidae), and among its types are horse flies and deer flies that feed on the blood of mammals, including humans.
Bed bugs: Bed bugs are insects that are difficult to get rid of. They suck human blood during their sleep and leave a little saliva under the skin, which causes an allergic reaction, which is characterized by constant itching.
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Cockroaches are fast-breeding insects that spread in homes throughout the year and transmit diseases to humans. They are ranked second after dust in causing allergies in the home.