Off-Topic Forum

Anything that's not related to photography, except religion and politics*. Discuss Britney Spears, your Kiss records, swing dancing, salsa recipes. The Off-Topic forum is moderated by walterick and adina.
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  1. #1
    Princess of the OT adina's Avatar
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    Feb 2002
    rockin' it in the D

    Good Night and Good Luck

    anyone seen this? I watched the first half, then I fell asleep. But dh saw the whole thing, and watched some of the commentary as well.

    Apparently (not 100% sure on this) television airwaves are public, and to use them you need to broadcast a certain % of news. Stations get around this by broadcasting "entertainment news", which technically fulfulls the requirement. Does anyone know if this is accurate?

  2. #2
    light wait photophorous's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Austin, Texas

    Re: Good Night and Good Luck

    I don't know the answer to your question, but it seems like such a requirement would get you into a debate about what qualifies as news. There has to be some definition, and I wouldn't think celebrity dating gossip would qualify. But, there I go using logic again. I'm interested to see if anyone knows for sure.


  3. #3
    sqrt -1 greghalliday's Avatar
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    American Fork, Utah

    Re: Good Night and Good Luck

    What a great show. My wife fell asleep too

  4. #4
    Poster Formerly Known as Michael Fanelli mwfanelli's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Perryville, MD

    Re: Good Night and Good Luck

    Quote Originally Posted by adina
    Apparently (not 100% sure on this) television airwaves are public, and to use them you need to broadcast a certain % of news. Stations get around this by broadcasting "entertainment news", which technically fulfulls the requirement. Does anyone know if this is accurate?
    That was changed a zillion years ago. The only thing stations need to do is broadcast "in the public interest." Although still "public" airwaves, no station has ever lost the right to broadcast due to complaints from the public they serve. Besides, the US has been selling off the airwaves to private companies for a long time. The conventional TV frequencies are headed for private hands as soon as digital television wipes out the last form of entertainment for the poor.
    "Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." --Mark Twain

  5. #5
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Nov 2001
    Phoenix AZ

    Re: Good Night and Good Luck

    I didn't know what this was when you first made this post Adina. Then walking through the stacks at Hollywood Video I happened across it and knew I had to check it out.

    Okay... and yes, my gf fell asleep about halfway through it ;) I liked it, thought it was well done, a little hard to follow at times but I liked the "old guy" feel of the movie. Was surprised to see Clooney not only directed it but also co-wrote the movie. A lot of what Murrow was saying was really profound, about television and how it is being used to "comfort, numb," etc. How timeless a statement. And how television can be used to educate and enlighten but only if the people use it to do so. I find interesting the timing of this movie. I posit that Clooney, et al were drawing lines between the McCarthyism of that era and the "war on terror" of this era. The word "terror" was placed strategically in the script at several points. I wonder if Clooney was trying to make a point with this film. To me, he has!

    Thanks for bringing it to my attention Adina.

    Time for bed...
    Walter Rick Long
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    íà îôèöèàëüíîì èíòåðíåò-ïîðòàëå ?????? ?? ??????? ?????????? ïîäîáðàí îãðîìíûé íàáîð ñâåæèõ íîâîñòåé î òóðèçìå.

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