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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2019

    first time in Europe

    I've never been to Europe before. Which country should I visit? I'm looking for a city with fantastic architecture and not very high prices. I want this trip to be a budget because I'm short in money, s any tips will be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2019

    Re: first time in Europe

    If you've never been to Europe, then you'll be pleasantly surprised. Architecture, food, attractions there are amazing. I love visiting Europe, even those cities I've already been to because each time I found there something new and fascinating. I don't even know which city to recommend to you, because each city there are unique, but if you want to organize a budget trip, then you can visit Poland (Krakow, Poznan, Rzeszow), Chech Republic( Prague, Brno), Slovakia(Bratislava). There are a lot of cheap hostels, a lot of places to eat local food for a reasonable price, and what about plane tickets, you can check them on europe flights because the prices there are lowest I've ever seen online.

  3. #3
    Junior Member Strantom's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2019

    Re: first time in Europe

    Quote Originally Posted by beatricee45 View Post
    I've never been to Europe before. Which country should I visit? I'm looking for a city with fantastic architecture and not very high prices. I want this trip to be a budget because I'm short in money, s any tips will be appreciated.
    I would advise you to go to Spain. To, say, Barcelona if you admire fantastic architecture it was the first Spanish city I ever visited my friends were pleasantly surprised by this ancient city. That much that my buddy bought an apartment in Spain by the seaside and moved there. Now he is living permanently by the beach of San Juan. It turned out that real estate in that area (Costa Blanca) are quite affordable. Here's a link for your information

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