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Thread: Father's Day

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2019

    Father's Day

    Do you have any gift ideas to share for Father's Day? Do you shop for gifts or do you do something else?

    My father is gone, but I still like to honor my husband on this special day. I just didn't really plan ahead very well this year, so I'd love to hear your ideas or plans.

    I will make him something good to eat, but I'd like to give him at least a small gift. I'm just all out of ideas right now, so I will gladly steal some of yours, ha ha.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2019

    Re: Father's Day

    You should not wait for that day to wish your dad that how he awesome though and you can appreciate each day by giving gifts and just get it from online royal flora online which can deliver you anything in a perfect way though

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