It's been nine days since dad died, and the ******** is getting too deep for me. My brother and I are the executors of his will, which didn't make my older brother to happy. We've been running around town getting his affairs in order, my older brother really doesn't trust us so he tags along. My younger sister looks after my mother who has early alzheimer, which we are grateful. Unfortunately as time goes by she wants more and more money. So we temporarily froze all accounts as the estate planner suggested. We don't want anyone to access my mother's account without our knowledge. My sister is furious, she wants access to our mother's bank account. Lord only knows how much more of this crap I'm going to take. We were verbally attacked today by her husband, son and herself. All I have to say people, make sure your parents really spell out what they want done and by whom in their will. Than again greed is greed, and people will do anything to get their stinkin hands on money that isn't theirs.