• 10-01-2020, 10:54 PM
    This could be the real reason North Korea halted nuclear testing and it could be
    <ya-tr-span data-index="157-0" data-value="Remember when it was in the news that some of the workers in North Korea died during a nuclear test, and that there was a worry of the mountain above North Korea's test site collapsing?" data-translation="Помните, когда в новостях сообщалось, что некоторые рабочие в Северной Корее погибли во время ядерных испытаний, и что было беспокойство о том, что гора над испытательным полигоном Северной Кореи рухнет?" data-type="trSpan" style="box-sizing: border-box;">Remember when it was in the news that some of the workers in North Korea died during a nuclear test, and that there was a worry of the mountain above North Korea's test site collapsing?</ya-tr-span>
    <ya-tr-span data-index="158-0" data-value="Well...it's now likely that mountain has collapsed according to a new study and information by geologists at the University of Science and Technology in China." data-translation="Well...it теперь вполне вероятно, что гора рухнула согласно новому исследованию и информации геологов из Университета науки и техники в Китае." data-type="trSpan" style="box-sizing: border-box;">Well...it's now likely that mountain has collapsed according to a new study and information by geologists at the University of Science and Technology in China.</ya-tr-span>
    <ya-tr-span data-index="159-0" data-value="Because the mountain has collapsed, these geologists are now concerned that built-up radioactive fallout could escape and start spreading, mainly into China and South Korea, but the main danger is to Kim Jong Un's own citizens (I'm sure he's real torn up about it)." data-translation="Поскольку гора обрушилась, эти геологи теперь обеспокоены тем, что накопившиеся радиоактивные осадки могут вырваться и начать распространяться, главным образом, в Китай и Южную Корею, но главная опасность заключается в собственных гражданах Ким Чен Ына (я уверен, что он действительно разрывается из-за этого)." data-type="trSpan" style="box-sizing: border-box;">Because the mountain has collapsed, these geologists are now concerned that built-up radioactive fallout could escape and start spreading, mainly into China and South Korea, but the main danger is to Kim Jong Un's own citizens (I'm sure he's real torn up about it).</ya-tr-span>
  • 10-01-2020, 10:56 PM
    Re: This could be the real reason North Korea halted nuclear testing and it could be
    Surprising no one. Just reading the title I knew it would be about the radiation leak.
    Defectors already talk about an invisible sickness that they can't cure because they don't know what radiation is and all the symptoms match radiation sickness.
  • 10-01-2020, 10:58 PM
    Re: This could be the real reason North Korea halted nuclear testing and it could be
    Regional denuclearization is an important step towards nuclear disarmament. After my trip to Chernobyl five years ago I realized that the radiation could be everywhere, any nuclear materials are extremely dangerous. At that trip I even bought radiation detector for home use. I just want to make sure that my house is safe. I know that Nuclear power industry and Emergency Services often use these devices https://ecotestgroup.com/ to check the level of radiation in the area and measure ambient dose equivalent rate of gamma radiation. I think we should do all possible to get rid of all nuclear technologies for the safety of the entire planet.