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  1. #26
    News & Rum-or-ator opus's Avatar
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    Re: Brokeback Mountain: the Gay Cowboy movie

    I saw the trailer in the movie theatre and realized right away that it was about gay cowboys. My husband immediately turned to me with disgust and said he would not want to see that movie. Which is a shame, because my 15-yo son just came out of the closet about two months ago. My husband does not know. Life is rough for my son and I right now. My son had to change schools because all his friends in this small town turned against him. He's living with his father right now and going to a bigger, more tolerant school that has clubs and support groups for him.

    But guess what I did yesterday? I am in London right now and I stopped by an Anglican church for Sunday services just on a whim. Afterwards the priest announced "the happy occasion of the marriage of Ron and Barry. Everyone is invited to celebrate their civil union with wine and treats at the back of the church immediately following services." So I had a glass of wine to celebrate the happy union of Ron and Barry. A very sweet-looking 60-something-year-old couple.

    It was actually very neat and I'm glad I could have, however accidentally, had a part in their celebration.

    As far as the movie, I'll probably see it with my son if he hasn't seen it already.
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  2. #27
    Senior Member payn817's Avatar
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    Re: Brokeback Mountain: the Gay Cowboy movie

    Kellybean, I applaud your support of your son. It is a really tough time at that age. Even if he has seen the movie, the gesture would surely mean a great deal to him. The most powerfeul thing my parents ever did was give me a bday card with some guys in swimsuits on it. It was a simple thing, but the message of acceptance was far more valuable than anything that could ever be purchased.

    As for his father, it may take some time, but hopefully he'll come around. If you need to get something off your chest, or there is anyway I could be of any help/support drop me a message.

  3. #28
    re-Member shutterman's Avatar
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    Re: Brokeback Mountain: the Gay Cowboy movie

    Quote Originally Posted by walterick
    Actually, Michael it was the Commander in Chief of the United States of America whose cry of horror came in the form of a proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United States that would have made homosexual marriages illegal. That's quite a yell for a "small, vocal, minority." He represents many of the scared christian conservatives who are terrified of having their ways of life challenged. If the bible tells them it is wrong, they will believe it. Funny, while we're busy trying to outlaw it, other countries are making it legal... hmm.

    Payn and srobb, I missed any prior posts so let me congratulate both of you on "coming out of the closet" on pr so to speak, lol. I'm sure you guys will find lots of acceptance here we're a pretty accepting bunch, as I'm sure you both know.
    In a CBS News poll conducted immediately after President Bush endorsed a constitutional ban on gay marriage, 59% of Americans said they would favor an amendment to the Constitution that would "allow marriage only between a man and a woman," up slightly from 55% last December.

    In a separate question that asked if they would support a constitutional amendment that would "allow marriage only between a man and a women and outlaw marriages between people of the same sex," support declines, but 51% would still support such an amendment.

    Who are they, where are they, how can they possibly know all the rules?

  4. #29
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Re: Brokeback Mountain: the Gay Cowboy movie

    8 Oscar nods including: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, and Best Adapted Screenplay.
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  5. #30
    Senior Member dbutler's Avatar
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    Re: Brokeback Mountain: the Gay Cowboy movie

    I just want to say as a CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIAN (:ucking tomatoes furiously: that there are some of us who may hold a view but don't love our gay friends any less. My gay friends know my religious views and recognize that these are MY beliefs, affecting MY life. If I think it's a sin then I simply don't do it. I can't judge someone else for them.

    That said, I have democrat friends who will say one thing in public, but behind closed doors won't let their children play with the gay man's kid because they might "catch something over there".

    Honestly, I think it's not so much a religious war (and keep in mind that Island, Judaism and the majority of world religions don't exactly embrace homosexuality either) but an entitlement issue. As Americans, one of the first things we utter is "It's my right...". So, when we have an opinion we have a RIGHT to express it. And when we decide we want to contradict someone, we have a RIGHT to let him know what a jackass we think he is. It's quite fun actually.

    How many Republicans don't read something that the democrats have done and immediately speak out against it without looking for more facts? How many democrats do the same thing? How many Christians don't judge Jews? But how many Jews don't judge Christians? When I mentioned that I was a conservative and a christian, how many of you would have envisioned me as a blond, blue eyed well-heeled woman instead of the Puerto Rican female who grew up in the inner city wars of Paterson New Jersey, the daughter of democrats? A girl who was a student at East Side High School (If you've seen the moving "Lean on Me" about the principal Joe Clark, you know a bit about what my academic life was like because that movie was based on my high school, well, until Sophomore year, when I was finally transferred before I got killed!)

    We're all prejudiced when it comes to forming opinions and views. Look how many of you threw tomatoes when you read the first line in this post!

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  6. #31
    Senior Member payn817's Avatar
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    Re: Brokeback Mountain: the Gay Cowboy movie

    I didn't throw tomatoes . I understand you, at work, we have a lounge, and it is where we spend our lunch and 15 minute breaks. The same people generally sit at the same table. One is an admitted "redneck", another is a former minister, that is currently seeking employment in that field, the others are basic zombies, and have no opinion of anything, or perhaps are just scared to express it.

    Do we talk about what I do (or for that matter what they do) behind closed doors. Nope, actually we discuss current politics, various art forms, and often share in each other's grief during times of distress. If we ever do get on the topic of relationships, it is about conduct, for example most of us think overly affectionate behavior in public is disgraceful. But, there is nothing specific there. The thing that stands out is that with our different beliefs, and backgrounds, we can agree (although sometimes disagree) on varied subjects, without taking into account those differences, and it becoming a debate based on such.

    You are right D, I don't see Monet different because I am gay, and the minister because he is a minister. We see it different because we are individuals with our own opinions, and it doesn't make either of us right when we disagree on the great masters of times long passed. Our political stances aren't based on polls, and W's views of marriage or anyone's lifestyle, but instead on the results he has.

    I wanted to go see this movie really bad, but I watched the trailer today, and seriously don't think I can go see it. From what I saw, this is a situation many gay men have experienced in their lives, and although it is better to have loved... it is a very painful reminder of times gone by. The trailer alone bought tears to my eyes, and has bought him back to my mind, even six years later it still is painful.

  7. #32
    Senior Member srobb's Avatar
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    Re: Brokeback Mountain: the Gay Cowboy movie

    First of all, to kelly, many kudos to you, girlfriend. You have no idea how many parents would not be as cool as you are with your son. As payn said, anytime you all need to talk, or a shoulder to cry on, we are both here. I know what it was like for me growing up and the fact that I was absolutely terrified to talk to my parents about my being gay. I cannot tell you the times I thought about suicide. He is one lucky young man to have a mom like you.

    D, you are a rarity as a Conservative Christian, then. I just wish they all could be like you instead of so judging and condemning. I could live with the difference of opinions. That is what we are all about anyway. This is not something that we push at our places of work. Most of the people we work with know anyway. I just realize that me being the big old bear, butch looking thing I am really throws most macho guys in a tizzy. ;) Especially after they realize I can do a lot of the manly things they do just as well as they do.

    Don't know yet if we plan on seeing the movie yet. I would like to, but John has the habit of falling alseep at the theatre no matter what is showing.
    "No man has the right to dictate what other men should perceive, create or produce, but all should be encouraged to reveal themselves, their perceptions and emotions, and to build confidence in the creative spirit." --Ansel Adams

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  8. #33
    Senior Member payn817's Avatar
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    Re: Brokeback Mountain: the Gay Cowboy movie

    Quote Originally Posted by srobb
    I just realize that me being the big old bear, butch looking thing I am really throws most macho guys in a tizzy. ;) Especially after they realize I can do a lot of the manly things they do just as well as they do.

    LOL.. Thing?? That is funny. I can bench press a lil over 300 pounds, covered in tattoos, and have a shaved head, so I know what you mean. They don't believe it. Then again, I don't tell anyone (as you mentioned) at work. I came out to one girl, and she deemed it her responsibility to let everyone

  9. #34
    Senior Member srobb's Avatar
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    Re: Brokeback Mountain: the Gay Cowboy movie

    Quote Originally Posted by payn817
    LOL.. Thing?? That is funny. I can bench press a lil over 300 pounds, covered in tattoos, and have a shaved head, so I know what you mean. They don't believe it. Then again, I don't tell anyone (as you mentioned) at work. I came out to one girl, and she deemed it her responsibility to let everyone
    You should know better than to tell a woman anything. ;) ;)
    "No man has the right to dictate what other men should perceive, create or produce, but all should be encouraged to reveal themselves, their perceptions and emotions, and to build confidence in the creative spirit." --Ansel Adams

    "Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter." --Ansel Adams

  10. #35
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Re: Brokeback Mountain: the Gay Cowboy movie

    Holy sh*t you guys could kick sh*t outta this skinny straight guy. I weight 168 after the holidays but look about 140, softspoken, cleancut, and often mistaken for gay ;) I couldn't bench 150 right now. Funny, the play of people's stereotypes and reality ;)
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  11. #36
    Princess of the OT adina's Avatar
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    Re: Brokeback Mountain: the Gay Cowboy movie

    Saw this one this weekend as well.

    The movie was very well done. Excellent acting, beautiful scenery, flowed nicely, very believably done. You know sometimes you see a movie, and it just seems really fake? This did not.

    That said, I didn't really care for it.

    I think that for this movie to work for me, it would have to have the same impact if they had replaced two cowboys with a cowboy and a cowgirl. And had this been a straight cowboy movie, I don't think it would be the same story.

    Let me reiterate, I have no problem with this being the gay cowboy movie. I didn't like it because I don't think the movie would stand on it's own if it wasn't the gay cowboy movie.

  12. #37
    Senior Member Ronnoco's Avatar
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    Re: Brokeback Mountain: the Gay Cowboy movie

    In Canada, where gay marriage is legal, such movies are not an issue. It is not necessarily that there is support for the gay lifestyle but simply a recognition of equal rights in fact rather than just in rhetoric. Many Canadians just tend to be neutral on the issue. As a matter of fact, the new and not well-respected Conservative Prime Minister will get defeated if he tries to revisit the gay marriage decision.

    All things considered however, despite the fact that it may be an excellent movie, I would not find it entertaining, and that is really my only reason for not going to see the movie.


  13. #38
    Poster Formerly Known as Michael Fanelli mwfanelli's Avatar
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    Re: Brokeback Mountain: the Gay Cowboy movie

    Let me reiterate, I have no problem with this being the gay cowboy movie. I didn't like it because I don't think the movie would stand on it's own if it wasn't the gay cowboy movie.
    But it IS a gay cowboy movie! That's like saying that "Hachet Killer 5" could not stand on its own if the violence were removed!

    I have not seen the movie because I just don't like "romantic" stuff regardless of the gender(s) involved. Of course, seeing Clint Eastwood kissing Gene Hackman in "Unforgiven" would have been disturbing!
    "Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." --Mark Twain

  14. #39
    Princess of the OT adina's Avatar
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    Re: Brokeback Mountain: the Gay Cowboy movie

    Quote Originally Posted by mwfanelli
    But it IS a gay cowboy movie! That's like saying that "Hachet Killer 5" could not stand on its own if the violence were removed!

    I was just talking about this with my mom. I think I've got a better explaination...

    I think the reason this movie did so well is because of the controversial subject. I think part of the reason for all the hype was that the director was taken a chance with a hot button issue.

    The movie itself, to me, was nothing extraordinary. I think that part of the hype was the non-mainstreamness of it. Although I still think that it was well acted, beautiful scenery, blah blah blah...

    Also, Hachet Killer 5 was one of my favorites from last year!

  15. #40
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Re: Brokeback Mountain: the Gay Cowboy movie


    I think I see your point. I just wholey disagree

    Yes, first of all it was a very "pretty" movie. The scenery was nice, etc.

    However, I disagree that it would have worked with a cowboy and cowgirl. This love story was about pain. Having to hide your relationship with the one you love and go live a life entirely different from the one you want. The only other way I can see this film working with other characters is if they were cross-racial or cross-ethnic in a way that caused them to hide their relationship from the world. That to me was the real crux of the movie. Two lovers that felt so much for each other but were not able to "have" one another out in the open in the way they may have liked. For me, anyway!

    Sorry if I sounded mean I always appreciate and respect your opinion!

    Walter Rick Long
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  16. #41
    Princess of the OT adina's Avatar
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    Re: Brokeback Mountain: the Gay Cowboy movie

    Quote Originally Posted by walterick

    However, I disagree that it would have worked with a cowboy and cowgirl.
    I thought that was what I typed as well. Which was one of the reasons I didn't like it. I think the reason for all the buzz about the movie was the fact that they were gay. The actual strength of the movie was secondary.

    My mom says that if you read the 11 pg short story first, you'll pick up more of the symbolic aspects of the movie.

  17. #42
    Princess of the OT adina's Avatar
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    Re: Brokeback Mountain: the Gay Cowboy movie

    Quote Originally Posted by walterick

    Two lovers that felt so much for each other but were not able to "have" one another out in the open in the way they may have liked. For me, anyway!

    Also, they were both married. Cheating on your spouse for 20+ years makes someone a bit of shmuck. Hard for me to sympathize with the whole "we can't be together" thing when they obviously have no respect for their spouses. For me, anyway!

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