Just a reminder that seems so relevent these days, yet again.
Banned Books Week 2006 is September 23–30.
It still happens today as the narrow-minded "think like me or else" crowd tries to push their sick agendas down our throats.
"...the number of challenges reflects only incidents reported, and for each reported, four or five likely remain unreported."
It still happens today, even at the federal government level. Remember the guy who was hauled in as a terrorist by the Bush administration for requesting an interlibrary loan of Mao's Little Red Book? He was not allowed to even see the book after being cleared.
In my high school back in the late 60s, lots of books were banned. I and others passed around the list off school grounds. Lots of kids read them who never would have considered these books otherwise. I became familiar with lots of great authors thanks to the banning of books. Maybe its a good thing...?