Don't get me wrong; I plan on seeing it in the theater, and I'm sure it wil be a fun movie-going experience. It's just that (and I know I'm showing my age here) I was a total freak for the first SW trilogy, while the two newer ones, though certainly entertaining, never quite elicited those same feelings of matinee wonder and excitement in me.
When the original SW was relased in the mid 1970's, my friends and I literally waited on line 1 1/2 hours to get tickets, then ANOTHER 1 1/2 hours for the show. I swear, the first thing we ALL said as we left the theater was, "Damn! We gotta go see this AGAIN!..."
And I did. After seeing it 3 or 4 time in NY, at one point a $.99 movie house a few blocks from my apartment in Tallahassee had SW on the bill for over a year, and I'd have to say I probably saw it at least another 30 times or so there.
Keep in mind, this was in the theater, BEFORE the video came out...![]()
When The Empire Strikes Back was released, everyone I knew simply could not wait to see it, an anticipation that was greater than any film I can remember. And while I (like many) was initially a bit disappointed by TESB because nothing in the storyline was resolved, it was still great to see all the original characters as well as some fabulous new ones, along with enough battles, special effects and plot twists (plus that MUSIC!) to keep us satisfied for the time being.
Now, jump ahead to 1983 with the release of Return of the Jedi, and we're talking about a movie phenomena unlike any in the history of US cinema.
I was now in Miami, and my friends and I managed to get tickets to the South Florida Premiere. Yes, the tix were reserved, so none of the waiting in line this time, heh heh. Still, we got to the theater and were seated at least an hour before showtime.
This meant an absolutely wonderful buildup to the movie. Everybody in the audience knew this film was THE ONE that would answer all the questions and resolve all the conflicts, and it created a kind of electricity of anticipation, a buzz that was incredible. As good as any rock concert...
And the film paid off in every respect. To this day, it remains my most memorable movie-going experience. It is also the last time I can remember an entire audience spontaneously going "nuts" and cheering and screaming wildly as Luke defeated the Evil Emperor at the end.
In my mind, I think I understood for the first time what my parents experienced when they saw The Wizard of Oz in a theater back in their day...
Now I'll admit, those first three films were an almost impossible act to follow, and I think Lucas did a pretty good of continuing the story, but like I say, neither of the two newer films has had close to the same effect on me as the first three.
How do you all feel about it? Which are your favorite films in the series and why?
BTW, Sebastian will deny it in public, but I know for a fact that Jar Jar Binks is his favorite SW character...![]()