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Thread: Any Idol fans?

  1. #1
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Any Idol fans?

    Who's it gonna be this week?
    Walter Rick Long
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  2. #2
    Poster Formerly Known as Michael Fanelli mwfanelli's Avatar
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    Re: Any Idol fans?

    Quote Originally Posted by walterick
    Who's it gonna be this week?
    Ah... I watch it in the beginning to see all the massively deluded people. Once they have real talent, its just to boring for me. My guess the next to go will be either male or female, no sure which.
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  3. #3
    has-been... another view's Avatar
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    Re: Any Idol fans?

    Oh yeah! Rebel Yell, White Wedding - classics! Eyes Without A Face was soooo underrated...

  4. #4
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Re: Any Idol fans?


    I thought the girl voted off last week had to go. The other two that need to go are the scrawny kid with glasses and the car mechanic. How did they get this far? The girl with the big boo-tay has to win it, she's the best

    I watch HBO, TLC and Discovery if anything at all, normally. But for some reason I am hooked this year on American Idol.

    When I was a kid I used to get Billy Idol and David Bowie mixed up!
    Walter Rick Long
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  5. #5
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Re: Any Idol fans?

    Dude, it's so Bucky this week! I guarantee it!
    Walter Rick Long
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  6. #6
    Princess of the OT adina's Avatar
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    Re: Any Idol fans?

    I got sucked into the early auditions this year. But like Michael, once they get to talent, the draw of the train wreck is over.

  7. #7
    Pentax Forum Moderator
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    Re: Any Idol fans?

    Hey...the scrawny kid, Kevin I think, is coooool...I think he ought to go all the way, simply for the underdog in all of us. And he does have a fairly good voice. hehe...this year is hard because for the first time...there is some real talent on the show...but odds are...they will get voted off soon. I guess being a vocalist, I get a little involved in these types of competitions.

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    Nikon Samurai #20

  8. #8
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Re: Any Idol fans?

    Oh, Ken, dios mio. Kevin is the next one that has to go right after Bucky
    Walter Rick Long
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  9. #9
    Pentax Forum Moderator
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    Re: Any Idol fans?

    Well...Kevin goes before Bucky... :-( ... But I see this kid doing great things...he's got moxey and a good voice...and people seem to like him...kind of like Screech....hehe
    Oh well...I've always been a rebel...and fight for the underdog!!!!!!!!!

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    Nikon Samurai #20

  10. #10
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Re: Any Idol fans?

    Ken, I was surprised to see Kevin go. Though I didn't like him, he seemed to have a large following. "Chicken Little" lol. How do you feel about them making the kids sing right after they're been voted off? Seems a little harsh to me.

    Yes, Bucky is next. Then probably Lisa. After that, they're all VERY talented so I don't know who...

    Ooh, the drama ;)
    Walter Rick Long
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  11. #11
    Pentax Forum Moderator
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    Re: Any Idol fans?

    Rick...I do like the idea. It gives them one last time on camera. I just wish they'd be allowed to sing anything they want. To hear the performance that got them booted off is kind of like rubbing salt in the wound. And they should allow the final performance to be completed before ending the program. Many of those voted off in the past have gone back into obscurity, but I think this years crop will be heard from well after the season is over.
    Bucky...yeah...should be gone already...but...oh well...Idol fans are fickle!!!!! hahaha

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    Nikon Samurai #20

  12. #12
    Senior Member payn817's Avatar
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    Re: Any Idol fans?

    Quote Originally Posted by another view
    Oh yeah! Rebel Yell, White Wedding - classics! Eyes Without A Face was soooo underrated...

    I thought that's what this thread was gonna be too.

    Shame on you for the Bowie/Idol confusion! Especially after that "movie"...ugh

  13. #13
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Re: Any Idol fans?

    Quote Originally Posted by payn817
    Shame on you for the Bowie/Idol confusion! Especially after that "movie"...ugh
    C'mon, they both have blonde, spikey hair. And British accents. And when you're 8 they're hard to tell apart.

    BTW, what movie? Labrynth?
    Walter Rick Long
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  14. #14
    GoldMember Lava Lamp's Avatar
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    Re: Any Idol fans?

    Quote Originally Posted by walterick
    C'mon, they both have blonde, spikey hair. And British accents. And when you're 8 they're hard to tell apart.

    BTW, what movie? Labrynth?
    Bowie was in some "real" Oscar-type movies, too. I read somewhere that he is a billionaire (with a B.)

    My kids (9 & 11) are learning about Davie Bowie (and Ozzy, Queen, Jimi Hendrix and more) 'cause we got a Playstation game called Guitar Hero that comes with a guitar thing that has five buttons at the frets, a button you strum, and a whammy bar.

    We watch Idol religously (but I ain't proud of it.) Love Chris Daughtrey and Taylor Hicks...

  15. #15
    Senior Member payn817's Avatar
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    Re: Any Idol fans?

    Quote Originally Posted by walterick
    C'mon, they both have blonde, spikey hair. And British accents. And when you're 8 they're hard to tell apart.

    BTW, what movie? Labrynth?
    Just giving you a hard time

    Yeah, that's the movie. I won't even say the title it was so bad. A friend of mine thought he was "hot" in that movie...lmfao!!

  16. #16
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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  17. #17
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Re: Any Idol fans?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lava Lamp

    We watch Idol religously (but I ain't proud of it.)
    Boy wear that fact like a BADGE!

    I like Taylor as well. He could definitely make a living at this the rest of his life. He has such great energy. I was in the other room when he started singing Michael McDonald and I really thought it was him until I came in the room.
    Walter Rick Long
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  18. #18
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Re: Any Idol fans?

    Quote Originally Posted by payn817
    Just giving you a hard time

    Yeah, that's the movie. I won't even say the title it was so bad. A friend of mine thought he was "hot" in that movie...lmfao!!
    Uh, I kinda liked it. But then I was 8...
    Walter Rick Long
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  19. #19
    nature/wildlife co-moderator paulnj's Avatar
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    Re: Any Idol fans?

    Paris, Taylor and Chris are the TALENT on that show, the rest is filler

    ManDEISEL has a good voice, but we don't need another martha wash

    Paris.. my nubian princess ..... will get a deal reguardless of winning or not, as will Chris.

    Taylor so rocks, but I don't know if he could draw the fan base that Paris and Chris can.

    SHHHHHHHH, don't tell anyone that I watch the show ;)


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  20. #20
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    Re: Any Idol fans?

    Quote Originally Posted by mwfanelli
    Ah... I watch it in the beginning to see all the massively deluded people. Once they have real talent, its just to boring for me. My guess the next to go will be either male or female, no sure which.
    REAL TALENT? There is as much talent on this stupid show as there is in the White House AND Capitol Hill! Neither one is worth watching, but at times the House and Senate are more entertaining. With the present leadership of this country and the TV shows it's no wonder the country is in the shape it is...... It's all worthless garbage.

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  21. #21
    Senior Member swmdrayfan's Avatar
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    Re: Any Idol fans?

    My wife and daughter watch religiously. Me--I've seen about 10 seconds of it (it reminds me of 'Ted Mack's Original Amatuer Hour'. I'm very much against "reality" TV, although I like to watch The Amazing Race from time to time. All of these shows are ratings driven, and aside from maybe "Extreme Makeover-Home Edition", serve no real purpose. What's so entertaining about watching people driven to tears by insults? IMHO, television has a severe quality problem. Add to that the constant shuffling of time slots, and the infuriating habit of airing one new episode of a show every 5 or 6 weeks. ABC is killing LOST with that tactic. People are losing interest because they never know when a new episode will be aired. Personally, I tend to watch the History Channel, National Geographic Channel, Discovery Network...things of that nature. I would like to see a Photography Channel someday.
    That's my story and I'm stickin' to it;)

  22. #22
    Senior Member Lara's Avatar
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    Re: Any Idol fans?

    Hmm, personally I find it hard to believe that out of hundreds of thousands of entrants for Idol, the contestants they picked are the best? There has to be better singers.

    I'm with you John, I keep loosing track of and interest in Lost. We never know when we are going to see the next episode. Is it me, or have the last couple episodes that WERE aired, lacking the quality of the previous episodes?

  23. #23
    Senior Member swmdrayfan's Avatar
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    Re: Any Idol fans?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lara
    I'm with you John, I keep loosing track of and interest in Lost. We never know when we are going to see the next episode. Is it me, or have the last couple episodes that WERE aired, lacking the quality of the previous episodes?
    Lara, I can remember when the only time you'd see re-runs was in the summer. In this age of instant gratification and speed,speed,speed, it seems that the entertainment industry is really going downhill. TV broadcast news isn't the same since Cronkite, Huntley & Brinkley, etc. were on. Ed Murrow must be rolling in his grave. My wife won't watch a movie unless something's blowing up. (Boy, do I sound like an old fogey or what) Sad to say, I believe it's being reflected in other areas of society too.

  24. #24
    Senior Member Lara's Avatar
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    Re: Any Idol fans?

    I remember too John, so you can call me an old fogey as well. ;)
    Series used to run from September through the end of April or was it May? Now we're lucky to get 12 episodes in one season, and I betcha it's all due to the ridiculous amounts of money these actors are paid.

    Reality shows make me wanna puke (sorry about that) but it's true. There must be more of that trash than any other genre on TV.

    I do catch a few of the old time movies on AMC every now and then. Just watched "From the Terrace" the other day. I love the oldies!! I could go on about good the old days TV shows too, but I won't. Suffice it to say, there were some treasures.

  25. #25
    Senior Member swmdrayfan's Avatar
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    Re: Any Idol fans?

    AMC tends to get about 4 movies and play them endlessly.....right now it's Sharkey's Machine...

    I prefer TCM.........uninterrupted classics...the only way to go.

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