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Thread: Coolpix 5700

  1. #1
    Member LoudPicture's Avatar
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    Philadelphia, PA

    Coolpix 5700

    Well, unfortunatly, as time passes, the digital era seems be really growing on me, I, a 14 Year old pursueing a hobbie in photography, am left with a simple, yet effective (and broken ) Pentax ME super 35mm camera. Unfortunatly, my camera which was originally a gift from an older friend seems to have stopped functioning like it should and i am in dire need of a new camera, and well, it seems that i am going to have to go after a digital camera. There is one problem; Money. So i did a tad of research and i came upon the NIkon Coolpix 5700, and found that i can purchase a refurbished one for just over $300 (. here ) Now, yes i know, refurbished things are bad, and i should slap myself for even thinking of buying one, but as of right now its my only option. So here are my questions.

    1. My interest of photography = Skating, is this camera suitable for such a thing?
    2. I have quite a few lenses lying around, is there an adapter (there is one on my mothers canon a95) for ataching lenses?
    3. Is it worth it (big question of the day)
    4. Does it have a movie mode that would do the job for taking a few movie shots every now and then?
    6. I am currently using an SLR camera, this camera isnt an slr, but would it let me do that same things?

    Now now, right, great, this little boy is going to spend every last dollar on this camera. Would it be better for my just to buy another 35mm camera for half the price, or maybe even less?)

  2. #2
    Pentax Forum Moderator
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    Re: Coolpix 5700

    Hello LP and welcome to PR...Although much older than you, I am fairly new to photography. But in the past 7 months on PR, I've learned alot. I currently use a Coolpix 8400 and am very happy with this camera, but that said, I am going to recommend that you stay with SLR. Like you said, you are already used to using an SLR and except for the movie function, you can get a much more versatile camera for the same price or less, plus if you stay with the same type of camera, you already have your lenses. If you want to go with digital, save a little more and go with one of the Pentax *IST's. I gather all your lenses are already Pentax's. One thing about Pentax, most of their lenses will fit their newer cameras. As for adapters for your lenses for a p/s the best of my knowledge you can't use SLR lenses on a p/s camera. They do however make a few add on lenses for the p/s's but they are different than your SLR.

    As for the Coolpix 5700, it is an excellent camera, from the research that I've done. Depending on where you buy the "refurbished" from, you may or may not get a good camera. It's a toss of the coin. At $300, you should be able to find several new cameras with good features if you want to stay with the point and shoot. Here is the link to PR's reveiws section... . You can check out most cameras here. It is an excellent resource and was invaluable to me when I recently upgraded to my CP 8400.

    In closing, for the money you can get an excellent film can also get an excellent Digital P/S...I would think that you would probably be happier staying with the SLR's instead of the limitations of the P/S's. Although that said...a good p/s is great to have for those instances when you can't have all your gear with you and it will give a movie option.

    Keep us informed on what you decide to get and post lots of pics. We love helping new photographers around here.

    Hope this helps.

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    Nikon Samurai #20

  3. #3
    Member LoudPicture's Avatar
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    Philadelphia, PA

    Re: Coolpix 5700

    Well, here are my main issues;

    I would love to be able to simply transfer all of my photographs directly to my pc, instead of having to go to the local drug store and have prints made, or have my pictures put onto a cd. Film is great, its only a few dollars to buy a roll of film, and only a few dollars more to have it developed. However, after a few years, all of the rolls of the film and developing costs start to add up, and it seems that with all the money that ive spent on film and developing, i could have very well just bought a digital camera. For me, i go through film in an instant as I use about a roll of film a day or more, and even more then that during the summer while school is out.

    A lot of my film also goes to waist, you never know if you "got a shot", since well, im shooting a moving object, therefore, if i dont catch it right where i need to, then the shot is now worthless.

    As for buying a simple p&s camera, i could easily buy one very quickly, and ive tried doing so. But the issue comes up when i want to do different things, which i dont have the options of doing on a simple p&s. Of course, i could step up a few notches to where i can stay with a p&s, and not be all the way in the SLR catagory, but still, im left with the thing that just sits there and will not go away: money. Right, i know, if it comes to it, then i can always sit a month or two out and find a job so i can find a job and finally buy that camera that ive been acheing to buy.

    So, there you have it, all of my issue wrapped up infront of you. I can not decide and things like this and i still need futher help...Please?

  4. #4
    Pentax Forum Moderator
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    Platteville, WI, United States

    Re: Coolpix 5700

    Yes LP...I understand perfectly as I am very strapped for $$$...

    Use the link to the reviews page and follow the menus to the digital p/s's and then sort by price. Read the reviews and try to come up with a camera that is going to meet your needs. I got lucky with my 8400 and got it for $'s a $900 camera, but Ritz Camera had a great special just before Christmas and I snagged it. It is a "prosumer" camera with full manual controls. I am just learning how to use them, but you would probably be able to jump right into it. There are a few entry level DSLR's for around $600. If you really want to keep photography as a serious hobby..."get a job" and go for the gusto!!!! If you really need a good p/s for your skating...follow the link and look for something that you can afford...not to say that the CP5700 wouldn't be a great camera for you...just want you to have some options.
    I, like you, want to be able to preview my pics immediately and to be able to download them directly to my computer, and then only print the ones I like. With the amount of film and processing you did prior to your pentax quitting on you, you should be able to save enough in only a few weeks or months to get a really nice camera...just by the savings you'll have.
    For 14 years old, you seem to have a very good concept of $$$ and a good attitude towards making a purchase of this magnitude. I feel that whatever decision you make will be a good one.

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    Nikon Samurai #20

  5. #5
    Member LoudPicture's Avatar
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    Philadelphia, PA

    Re: Coolpix 5700

    Well, ive decided to go with a Pentax Digital SLR camera. Id be saving a few bucks on the lens, and id be working in an envirmoment that i trust, hence the fact that this camera has worked for over 20 years. Im leaning towards the "starter" SLR, aka the *ist DL:
    As its inexpensive, and still has everything that i would like to be working with. Yes, i know, i mentioned that im primaraly going to be using this camera for shooting skating photos, but hey!, we all take the occasional trip out of town, and it will proove useful there aswell. Im still trying to figure out weather or not my lens will fit though, i figure they will, because on the site it basicly said that all of the older lenses fit onto the body. Now, im on the long wait sitting on ebay waiting for someone to auction off what i need. While on that topic, could you recomend a good "classifieds" camera only website which i could trust a tad more then ebay? Also, ive been thinking, is there such a thing as a "whole sale camera show"? I live very close to Philadelphia, so im sure if there is one, there should be one rolling around here sometime. Thank you for all of your help.

    Dan Slazz.
    Philadelphia, PA
    Budapest, Hungary

  6. #6
    Pentax Forum Moderator
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    Re: Coolpix 5700

    Sorry LP, I can't help you with the camera specific site...I must admit...I found this site first and stay exclusively here...I have checked a few other sites since, but none with the professionalism and willingness to help that this site has....
    As for EBay...I've never purchased off of it...but a lot of people on this site use it quite abit...but like anything have to research what you are getting and who you are buying from.
    As for your lenses...I'm not sure what you have...but the older lenses should just won't have some of the AF if you are comfortable with MF...should be no problem.
    You said it very good when you said that it is an environment that you are already used to...hence, I think you'll be very happy!!!
    Good luck and keep us updated!!!

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    The K-Teams Updated Logo CLICK HERE to add a link. Many thanx go to Axle for his hard work.

    Nikon Samurai #20

  7. #7
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    The Woodlands, TX

    Re: Coolpix 5700

    Both are the most reputable and have a great selection of used equipment. As for lens- the physical mount has stayed the same on a Pentax for over 40-50 years now. The big things to keep in mind- obviously if it's manual focus you'll be dealing with that, but even bigger is metering. If your lens is not and "A" or "FA" you'll have no metering capabilities at all. That may be very frustrating for you, so something to keep in mind. Another thing to think about- unless the digital body's sensor is the same size as 35mm film, your lens focal length will be multiplied, usually by 1.5. So a 28-105 lens in 35mm terms becomes a 42-150mm lens, and you'll lose your wide angle (which is good for skating).

    So whats wrong with the ME?

  8. #8
    Member LoudPicture's Avatar
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    Philadelphia, PA

    Re: Coolpix 5700

    Thank you all for all of your advice and help with all of this, and ill be sure to stick around. As for the last question as of whats wrong the ME, there are quite a few things wrong with it as of right now. At first, when i first got the camera, i found that the light meter was off, so I borrowed a friends for quite a while, and he eventually just told me to keep it as a gift, as he had no use for it. Now, the camera hit rock bottom, and it seems that the shutter no longer wants to release, i found that the problem lied on the internal parts of the camera, as if i open the film load of the camera, i can simply push down the lever on the black box (not sure of the name) and the shutter returns to normal. However, because of the fact that its a film camera, and if i open it up while film is in, ive ruined the film, i can just simply open it up everytime to fix it. So well, ive had my eyes set on a digital camera for a while, and the time presented itself to me. Ill take a look around the sites that you have provided, and i hope that i can find an incredible deal like Ken did. Aswell as the Pentax camera, ive also had my eyes set on the Panasonic Camera series, however, im not sure as of the quality of the products of a company that doesnt mainly focus on cameras. Anyway, if you have any more input, that would be great, and ill be sure to keep all of you posted on my decision.

    ALSO: I friend of mine told me that all NIKON cameras have a "fake" Fisheye mode on the camera, is this true?

  9. #9
    Member LoudPicture's Avatar
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    Philadelphia, PA

    Re: Coolpix 5700

    Wow, i think i may have solved part of the money issue. I did the KEH Online Quote, and the total value of my two lenses came to $115. Then, i took a look into the "for sale section" and found that for a few hundred (about 3) i can find a camera that would just about suite my needs. All i need is to gather a couple more..actually a lot more bills, and ill be on my way. A big thanks to all of you who helped me out.

    EDIT: In the mean time, i also took a look the quote of my flash...$ day is only getting better.
    Last edited by LoudPicture; 01-17-2006 at 02:06 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    The Woodlands, TX

    Re: Coolpix 5700

    any chance you've replaced the batteries on the ME? The whole camera, shutter included, runs off battery power so a simple cleaning and refreshing with new batteries may do the trick.
    IIRC, they take a couple SR76's.

  11. #11
    Member LoudPicture's Avatar
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    Philadelphia, PA

    Re: Coolpix 5700

    Well, either way, ill try that, but im going to have to upgrade real soon anyway. Its time that i switch to digital. Yeah yeah, shooting film is loads of fun, and i probably wont stop, and ill still pull out my zorki-6 every now and then and shoot some film, but im really still waisting a lot of film because i dont get every single shot. And either way, switching now to digital, will save me so much more money in the long run, its ridiculous. For me, i can either go out and buy another light meter (as thats broken in the mean time aswell), or just go the entire way and go all the way digital, which is what i would love to.

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