I guess it's a good thing that guns are not allowed in the Viera Wetlands.
Now, everybody knows how hard it is to get a Least Bittern in the open to photograph. Well, yesterday I saw one deep into the cattail reeds, so I set up and waited for 30 minutes for it to come out into the open. Eventually it did come out and after a short while became accustomed to my presents and began poseing for me capturing grass shrimp and minnows.
The next thing I know, a vehicle drives up behind me and the driver had a pair of those binoculars capable of spotting a tick on a deer at 100 yards away. So, what does that guy do..... Jumps out of his vehicle, yelling to someone in another car "It's a Least Bittern" while running down the bank towards the bird.
Needless to say, the Least Bittern was not having anything to do with that, and he quickly departed never to be seen again.
So, just why can't we shoot those clowns?
At any rate, here are some of the shots I got befor the bird was chased off..........