Hi, all. The migration has been going strong for the last three weeks and I've logged nearly a thousand miles trying to photograph as many of these beauties as possible.
All of these shot this year in and around central Ohio and along the shores of Lake Erie:
Black-throated Blue warber, 5~5½", wintering grounds: West Indies
Cape May warber, 5", wintering grounds: Caribbean
Northern Parula, 4½", wintering grounds: Florida, Mexico, and West Indies
Wilson's warbler, 4½", wintering grounds: Mexico to Panama
Yellow-Rumped warbler, 5~6", wintering grounds: US to Panama
American Redstart, 5", wintering grounds: Mexico, West Indies, Brazil, northern Peru
Nashville warbler, 4½", wintering grounds: south Texas to Guatemala
Magnolia warbler, 4½", wintering grounds: Mexico, West Indies, Panama
Black-and-White warbler, 4½~5½", wintering grounds: southern US to northern South America
Blackburnian warbler, 5", wintering grounds: Costa Rico to Peru
Black-throated Green warbler, 4½~5", wintering grounds: southern Texas, Florida to Colombia
Prothonotary warbler, 5½", wintering grounds: Mexico to Columbia, Venezuela
Chestnut-sided warbler, 4½~5½", wintering grounds: Central America
Yellow warbler, 5", wintering grounds: Mexico to Peru