Was on vacation in California & hiked at Pinnacles National Monument. It was cloudy and even rained on us a couple times, which kept other hikers away and we had the place to ourselves for a few hours. The clouds were so low they obscured the far peaks to the east. The light was flat, but brought out subtleties in color that wouldn't have been there if the sun had been shining.
steep slopes with golden yarrow -
somewhere on the Tunnel trail -
I can't remember if this is Juniper Canyon trail or Tunnel trail - we went out one and back the other.
Beginning to get steep on the Tunnel trail and it started raining -
the view down to the tree line -
Our hike probably took twice as long as it should have because I kept stopping for wildflowers. There are zillions of them and they all seem to bloom in May. Amazing.
I'm still processing photos from this hike & others, so I may add to this later. Thanks for having a look.