I nabbed 3 new-to-me birds this past Saturday, and got a great look at another elusive bird I'd only caught one time before. Very satisfying day, all in all!
Prothonotary Warbler. This one was plain to see from quite a ways off with that bright yellow coloring! I saw it and approached slowly, trying not to spook it and hoping it hung around long enough for me to get close. Those two intentions don't always cooperate!
As I got around to the bay side of the park, I found this Redhead Duck picking at the grass in the shallows:
Lastly, this Glossy Ibis, though at quite a distance:
Last week I barely caught this shot of a Least Bittern as it shot out of some reeds in front of me: (thanks for the ID, f86sabjf)
This week I found a female in a shady area between the reeds and the shore and got a couple of nice shots:
It was nice to be able to follow her and shoot rather than grabbing a "what-the-hell-was-that?" shot as it passes by at full speed.
So my semi-official self-tallied list of bird species photographed is up to 56 now. Considering that I didn't know a heron from a hole in the ground a couple of years ago.....