Ironic that after logging nearly 1000 miles driving back and forth to Magee Marsh to get shots of warblers, we start seeing them in our own backyard. Most likely they always came but we didn't know what to look/listen for.
In any event, over the weekend we saw, from the comfort of our deck:
Yellow warbler (below)
Magnolia warbler
American redstart
Black-and-white warbler
Cedar waxwing
Common nighthawk (below)
There was another warbler we couldn't ID as well as a flycatcher/phoebe in addition to the usual suspects around the feeder.
Granted I can't get as close and as clean of shots that I could up at the Marsh, but man is it nice to sit on the deck with a cup of coffee shooting in PJ's!
Although for the nighthawk (my first btw), I did have to run upstairs and shoot out of my daughter's window for that one