It's a balmy 15f or so in Chicago, reasonably warm if you are a penguin or a polar bear. Bright sun and cold weather does one nice thing for me, it concentrates birds on south facing apple trees with very small fruit still extant. I visited a spot for an hour or so today (as much as my toes could handle) and played around with my new teleconverter. I am finding that, like most photography equipment, the teleconverter works best at moderate aperture and moderate focal length - wide open or clamped shut loses detail, as does ~700mm+.
I stayed in the 500-600mm range, varying aperture from f/4.5 to f/5.6, depending on the background. Shutter speed was pretty solid at 1/1000s, ISO200. Results were pretty good.
These robins were feeding heavily on the remaining fruit - they would perch on a particular spot of a particular branch, and then repeatedly fly to an inaccessable branch to grab an apple, and back again. At first I was mainly waiting to see if the cardinals I had seen here last week would show, but they didn't so I started shooting the robins. I didn't have a high percentage of in motion keepers, until I turned the image stabilization OFF, and got a few after that. In any case, here's todays submission:
This one I took in portrait orientation, so this is about 60% frame - still large enough to get a good 8x10, but maybe not much larger...
"Bye Bye for now!!"