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Thread: Swan Surprise

  1. #1
    Pentax Forum Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Platteville, WI, United States

    Swan Surprise

    Hello all...
    I was out practicing with my new tripod. Kind of funny...I buy this tall tripod so I don't have to bend over and the first thing I do is go to my local stream and practice dragging my exposure on the ripples with the tripod at it's shortest. sheesh!!!
    On about my tenth adjustment, I was bent over checking my frame and I noticed "someone" behind me. I looked back and about a foot behind me was this HUGE swan. I have posted a few of him and his mate before, but they were always at a distance. This fellow got to within 6 inches of me a couple of times. Although he is used to humans, he normally chases people off!!! I guess because I was bent over and not so imposing, he just kept sizing me up. I stayed bent over and "slowly" stepped around my tripod and started shooting him.
    On top of getting a neat shot...I was playing in Photoshop and found the Marquee tool and then started playing with the effects. This is for all intent and purpose, my first photoshop "framed" photo. I hope you all like the woodsy feel of the frame and I really hope it is just the right frame for my shot. I know many like a plain border, but, to me...this called for so much more!!!
    As for the signature...I was going for a burned in look...did I succeed???
    Just call me....Pleasantly Surprised Ken


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    Nikon Samurai #20

  2. #2
    nature/wildlife co-moderator paulnj's Avatar
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    hillsborough NJ, USA

    Re: Swan Surprise

    While I am not a fan of any sort of framing, This frame was MADE for that image IMHO. That frame/ image needs to be printed!


    "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" - Benjamin Franklin

  3. #3
    Senior Member julsoph's Avatar
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    Northern VA

    Re: Swan Surprise

    Yep, I like the frame a lot here, Ken. I also like the shot you've caught as well...the swan looks just wary enough of you, yet obviously he was pretty bold!


  4. #4
    Pentax Forum Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Platteville, WI, United States

    Re: Swan Surprise

    Thanx Paul and Emily. I've gotta admit, I was kind of nervous for a bit since I don't have the ability to get away very fast if it were to attack. But after I realized that as long as I kept my movements slow and easy and didn't intimidate him, that he was going be cooperative. Keep an eye out for the one where he looks like he's charging me. I'm working on it a bit as I had the camera set wrong so need to make some extra adjustments to make it presentable without losing the quality of the bird. The frame is a style I downloaded for my PSE 2 that I just learned how to use with this photo!!! And YES Paul...I took your counsel and printed it out...It came out great.

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    The K-Teams Updated Logo CLICK HERE to add a link. Many thanx go to Axle for his hard work.

    Nikon Samurai #20

  5. #5
    Senior Member julsoph's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Northern VA

    Re: Swan Surprise

    Lol Ken...that would make me nervous too! I really love birds, but swans and geese I prefer at a distance. You know, you can do what I do and just clap and sound gruff (lol) if they start getting out of hand...and then hope they don't call your bluff! Hehe...

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